Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Trade Evolutions in Pokémon Go

Nearly two years ago, I wrote a post regarding the consideration of trade evolutions. That post was, in a way, an "affirmation" post for the existence of the evolution method in its various guises. Pokémon Go seems to have taken this frame of mind as well and went ahead and implemented evolution by trade just recently. When the trading function was implemented two years ago, evolution by trade appeared to be a possible further step, and today that further step is a reality.

For Pokémon that can evolve by trade, a "trade" icon appears on the "Evolve" button of the Pokémon. If the Pokémon hasn't been traded, the icon is followed by the normal Candy amount for evolution, but if it has, the icon is followed by a check mark and no Candy amount. And yes, this means that Pokémon that can evolve by trade can do so for free, making this the first time that Pokémon in Pokémon Go can viably freely evolve. However, supposing that one does not wish to evolve by trade, one can still do so; if there are not enough Candies, tapping "Evolve" will show a friendly reminder to get more Candies or to trade the Pokémon, but if there are enough, the reminder becomes a "confirm anyway" message. The normal "confirm" message is presented for already-traded Pokémon.

At present, the available Pokémon that can evolve in this manner are Kadabra, Haunter, Machoke, and Graveler (the "classic four" from the first generation), as well as Boldore, Gurdurr, Shelmet, and Karrablast (newcomers from the fifth generation). It is notable that the base forms of the first six still need Candies to evolve even if traded, though once evolved, they no longer require Candies; as well, the newcomers have relatively steep Candy requirements if they are to be evolved by them, requiring 200 Candies and an additional 50 for a previous base form, and unlike the main series games, Shelmet and Karrablast do not require to be traded for each other - any trade is sufficient.

Speaking of the main series games, some Pokémon that evolve by trading while holding an item there still only require their items and Candies in Pokémon Go. It seems the two methods may not yet be able to stack up on each other. This may be a potential further development, however, given that trade by evolution is itself a further development. Even so, it may not be likely that any other Pokémon will be applicable for multiple evolution methods outside the trade-or-Candy scheme, which itself constitutes multiple evolutionary pathways and therefore an innovative development.

The new trade evolution method has major implications. Any of the above traded Pokémon species will certainly benefit, but the ones that benefit the most are the ones that are traded and become Lucky as a result, which further obviates their Candy needs. For the species that require 200 Candies to evolve, it becomes obvious that one should try to trade for ones with good stats ("re-roll" them, so to speak), and if one happens to come upon a very valuable one that isn't traded, then it becomes up to one whether to gamble the re-roll, keep it as is, or scrounge up the 200 Candies needed. The choice is up to one to make.

It can be said that with the introduction of evolution by trade in Pokémon Go, the evolution method has found a reason to thrive. Even if it wasn't initially implemented because trading wasn't available, the fact that it is now implemented means that the game considers this as an honorable evolution pathway that the main series initiated, and with trading present, it's only right that it is implemented as such. It becomes another guise of the method that makes it even more appreciable.

One year ago: Meeting of the Minds
Two years ago: Cosplay: Japan LovEvolution Vol. 3 - Haruka ni Yoi - Full Japan Day 2018
Three years ago: Dealing with Cosplay Offerings

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