Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Eighth Cosplay Anniversary - Doing What I Want

As indicated by my previous-year posts below, today is my cosplay anniversary. It's always fascinating for me to be able to discuss my views on cosplay, particularly Pokémon cosplay as the thing that interests me. This year, it seems apt that I discuss my personal course of actions regarding it, as in doing the things I want to do. It might make my motives regarding cosplay clearer in regard to many things.

In a way, this subject might seem like an adjunct to what I discussed last year. Back then, I said that I didn't follow the trends or whims of others in my cosplay, and that is very much true. Pokémon has become the thing of my greatest interest, and it means a lot. Other things mean something to me as well, but Pokémon means quite a lot, more than them. That is why even in cosplay, I integrate Pokémon by cosplaying Ash and Red as two of the forefront characters of the franchise; it's simply what I want to do, and in fact the impetus (trigger) for my cosplay.

Still, there are other reasons why I do the things that I want to do, particularly in cosplay. For me, I want to establish that I can work with the resources that I have or are available, such as using my own hair rather than wearing a wig if it is not necessary. I also want to understand how well I can relate to Pokémon characters through my cosplay, which also becomes evident in the blog posts where Ash and Pikachu (or sometimes Red) are present. Above all, I also want to have the greatest amount of fun possible with Pokémon in my cosplay, because if I cannot have that, then there is no point.

The above are all somewhat personal reasons, but there are also reasons for everyone. I would like to think that through my cosplay, I'm presenting Pokémon to those for whom the franchise is not too popular and hope to be able to incite appreciation, at least where I am at present. Regardless, I also want to appeal and connect to existing Pokémon fans through my cosplay at the surface level, and everything else related at a deeper level. Through this and pretty much other things that I do with Pokémon, I'd like to be able to contribute somehow, including to Pokémon itself. I'm sure these are all noble goals for one and for all.

Cosplay is clearly something I want to do. Involving Pokémon in that effort is also clearly something I want to do as well. It might seem like a personal thing, but in my view, it seems that it could be rather applicable for everyone, including other franchise fans. On that note, it seems important that I continue do what I (want to) do, including Pokémon cosplay as part of the greater things that I do with Pokémon.

Happy eighth cosplay anniversary to me.

One year ago: Seventh Cosplay Anniversary - Timeless Cosplay
Two years ago: Sixth Cosplay Anniversary - From No-One to Someone
Three years ago: Fifth Cosplay Anniversary

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