Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Pokémon as a Study Aid

A few days ago, I wrote a post on how Pokémon might have a role to play in a certain memory technique. It's something that may be essential for students of all ages. I should know; I had been one for at least two decades. Yet in the years I've become one, sometimes I've wished that Pokémon played a greater role in my studies. Specifically, what I've wished for is for Pokémon to have a way to help me in my studies, becoming a "study aid" for them in order to enable further understanding.

Granted, this is an area where Pokémon wouldn't really be able to have a major influence. After all, many things that I study are things that have little or no relation to Pokémon. As such, it may be hard or next to impossible to try to relate them to Pokémon. However, some things could still be made to relate to Pokémon, perhaps because they are sufficiently abstract for this to be able to occur, and in doing so it would help for the studying of those things.

When I was younger, I saw what seemed to be a book for learning math, but it was quite different. For one, it seemed to be made in conjunction with something else that has similar origins as Pokémon. The way that the book allowed for learning of the concepts of the subject appeared to be integrated, not only regarding the subject but also involving that "something else", as if that something would allow learning to be accomplished in an easy-to-understand as well as fun manner. This is what I'm referring to when it comes to Pokémon as a "study aid".

I, for one, could use (or have used) this aid for certain subjects. One subject that I seemed to have never done well in and quite grasped is physics. There is something that always seems to be out of reach of my understanding. Of course, I understand Pokémon just fine, so sometimes I wonder if the two can be combined. There were times where I've tried to think of problems involving the subject in Pokémon terms, and I suppose that it helped in understanding, even though I still didn't have a complete grasp. Perhaps in the hands of someone who really understands, it might become somewhat more clearer.

Beyond memory techniques in general, there may be some potential for Pokémon to be actually used as a "study aid" for different knowledge subjects. It may not work for all subjects, and the relationship may have to be elucidated as much as it would elucidate the subject in question, but in the right ways, it may be just as right for the subject as it is for Pokémon itself. If it's possible for certain other things, then it may be possible for Pokémon as well. The results might just be fascinating and help both Pokémon as well as the subject of knowledge.

One year ago: A Pikachu Pillow Keychain
Two years ago: Anywhere Is
Three years ago: My Essential Pokémon Cosplay Equipment

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