Friday, February 7, 2020

Turning Around and Back

A few years ago, I posed a "yearly theme" of "Total Turnaround" because I sensed that some things would undergo a "turnaround" from being unfavorable to being favorable, in other words from not so good to good. The general definition of a "turnaround" is as such, or sometimes it might go the other way in the worst of cases. As with that year, I've had my moments with cases of these, and Pokémon is involved as well in some of these "turnarounds".

Many turnarounds are obviously of the positive nature. Back when I was in the U.S., I tended to be averse to many Pokémon things that were decidedly on the Japanese side of things, having gotten used to the English treatment. For example, I tended to like listening to the English songs rather than the Japanese songs, though I also liked the Japanese songs as instrumentals, in other words without their vocals. However, after I left, I began to be exposed more and more to the Japanese side of Pokémon, and I enjoyed a bit more of the things associated with it. Obviously now I enjoy the Japanese songs since I use them to compete in singing competitions, to continue the previous example. On the whole, I still enjoy the non-Japanese side more than I do the Japanese side, but I still nicely appreciate the latter in addition to the former.

As for turnarounds with a negative nature, I don't have much to speak of with Pokémon. I like most Pokémon things such that this doesn't happen often. If I have to cite an example of this happening, it might have to be with the fifth movie or feature film, where for the time before I saw it I was sufficiently enamored for the interest to watch, but after watching, I wasn't as enamored for obvious reasons. That could be considered a relatively quick turnaround with this nature. A longer turnaround could be considered to have happened for a couple of Pokémon songs in English that I hardly ever listen to anymore due to an obscure reason, but this turnaround has the potential of being reversed at anytime. Still, the negative turnaround does seem to be able to occur.

While I love Pokémon to a great extent, admittedly some things continue to happen, which may present the potential for turnarounds like the ones I've experienced to occur. If anything, such turnarounds may be possible for many fans, not limited to just me. But given that turnarounds may happen in one of two ways, it is expected that turnarounds happen for the better, not for the worse. That much is hoped by me and most likely just about any Pokémon fan.

One year ago: Local EX Raid (with "Friend Boost"), 2/7/2019
Two years ago: An Eye for Pokémon
Three years ago: Conserve and Cooperate

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