Sunday, February 2, 2020

Total Experience

As a Pokémon fan, there are many things I wonder about when it comes to its games and just about everything else regarding it. One of those is what I would call the "total experience" regarding everything Pokémon. It's like going out swimming while in heavy rain: it's a total experience, with water below and water above. Of course, what constitutes the "total experience" for Pokémon games would be very different, though it may arguably have the same "soul" as this kind of experience.

One of those would be, say, in Pokémon Go. When a special event occurs and Field Research tasks are involved, the logical thing would be to wander about to complete them. To ignore them would not be in the best interest of the event and would therefore not constitute the "total experience". Still, sometimes there could be limits on what would aid to make that experience a "total" one, such as PokéStops in an area, the means to travel, the time and energy available, and so on and so forth. Yet it seems that for as long as there is earnest effort for them, then the "total experience" can be achieved somehow.

What would constitute the "total experience" would certainly be different for, say, the Pokémon games on the Nintendo Switch. Having the game and the console would be sufficient for an experience, but it would likely not constitute the "total" one. One in fact would have to spend more on the Nintendo Switch online services in order to connect to other players and receive other good things for the game, including updates such as the recently announced "expansion pack". Then, there would be spending on other things such as a subscription to Pokémon Home and the things associated to it. It is likewise apparent that the "totality" of this experience also depends on several things.

As for other things beyond while still related to the games, the "total experience" with regard to Pokémon can be said to be different. Some of my figure fellows don't seem to indicate that they will be well-versed with the more recent editions of the games, though they may happy to learn about what they need to understand the figures. Meanwhile, across the board, some of my fellow game players seem to be indifferent about the anime compared to the games, or even things like merchandise. It may appear to be hard to quantify their "total experiences" in relation to one another, since theirs may constitute just that.

Pokémon is many things nowadays, so admittedly it would be hard to establish a definite "total experience". But if I and the others have something to go by, at least there are certain amounts of "totalities" for the experience, like with me and all things Pokémon. It's still something to be appropriately wondered, and perhaps some of my fellows would also wonder about it as well. It may not be tantamount to "swimming while raining", but given everything Pokémon, it may just provide the appropriate amounts we need.

One year ago: Legends Among People
Two years ago: Pictures Worth Thousands of Words
Three years ago: Pokkén Sentiments

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