Sunday, February 16, 2020

Cosplay: Cosplay on the Street II

Ash: Hey, this thing is back!

Me: Yeah, it is. Everyone liked it last time, so it's back. And it couldn't have happened sooner.

Pikachu: Pika! ["Nice!"]

Me: But I do have to say something about it. Even with only a few interested people for it, it went on. So I figure I'd send you.

Ash: You know what? It's OK. I'll take it up for the others.

Me: It's also a good opportunity to test a little something new. Last time, I sent you with a really good version of your Kanto outfit.

Ash: Right, I remember.

Me: This time, you're going with an outfit about the story of everyone - or at least, what everyone can do, and what you wore when that happened.

Ash: Hey, that's a great one! You planned this all along.

Pikachu: Pika chu! ["Oh wow!"]

Me: Yeah, neat, huh? We have to test out the outfit before I send you to a real, live event or convention with it. This is perfect for that. I was actually going for this last time, but it wasn't ready then.

Ash: I see where you're going with this. I'm glad you got it worked out.

Me: How was it like over there?

Ash: A few came early, like me, and a few came just as it started. We had fun for a bit, but then the rain started. It was really coming down!

Me: Well, that's a real problem. Because if I know my way around the place, which is where it was last time and also home to a possible EX Raid, when it rains it pours, and there's no two ways about it.

Ash: Yeah. Luckily someone set up a tent, so everyone went under the tent. But we couldn't do much since the rain was so heavy and lots of people were there.

Pikachu: Pikachu. ["So many people."]

Me: See, that's a real problem this time of year. If it weren't for that tent, you and the others would be really wet.

Ash: It was that bad. But it did clear up and the other people left, so I and the others got to do a few things. We first played a game.

Me: Oh? What was it?

Ash: It was throwing a ball to hit a board. It was like throwing a Poké Ball. If you can hit the center three times, you're supposed to win a prize. I hit the center only twice, so I didn't get the prize.

Me: I think I throw my Poké Balls in Pokémon Go the same way.

Ash: I guess. Then there was a birthday surprise for someone.

Me: That's neat. That's something I pretty much have never gotten. It had to have been festive.

Ash: It was like that, but the feeling went away at the end.

Me: That's a bit problematic. Anything else I should know about?

Ash: There was a bit of discussion about something that could happen on Saturday. Think I can get in?

Me: I think I may have to work out the details on that.

Ash: And that was that. After that it was dealing with the rain again. By the way, the outfit was great. I'm sure I can really wear it.

Me: That's great to hear! OK, so this one was very different from the previous one, and I think the rain really brought most of the problems.

Ash: You could say that. Maybe if the rain hadn't happened, everything would have been fine.

Pikachu: Pi-ka-chu. ["If only."]

Me: Even so, I'm sure you'd enjoy another round of this, if and when it happens.

Ash: Sure, why not. But maybe we need to watch the weather.

Pikachu: Pika. Pika pika. ["Yes. Most definitely so."]

Me: No promises, but I think we can all try.

One year ago: Romancing the Ball
Two years ago: Once and Again: Cosplay Teaser for 3/11/2018
Three years ago: We Three Birds of Kanto Are...

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