Thursday, February 16, 2017

We Three Birds of Kanto Are...

Recently some of the amusement I've noticed has gone to the birds. A particular Facebook sticker (yes, stickers exist on Facebook too) has been the subject of laughter for its odd yet unassuming appearance. In one meme, it has even drawn comparison to the Legendary Birds of the Kanto region. While this gesture was definitely made in jest, in all seriousness, the three Legendary Birds are impressive in their own ways, and it's no surprise that they are the emblems of the factions in Pokémon Go. Here's how I see them:

Articuno - Team Mystic: The word "mystic" is related to spirituality and mystery. Articuno, in addition to being a Flying type, is also an Ice type; the features on its body is elegantly reminiscent of ice crystals. Thus Articuno could be said to bridge the concepts as "the cold, elegant unknown". There is much about life that we don't know, yet so much else about life is revealed in an elegant manner. It is our desire or belief that that which we don't know could also be elegant. In a way, Articuno embodies this spirit.

Zapdos - Team Instinct: "Instinct" is propensity, a natural tendency, and is also not unrelated to impulse or reaction. Zapdos is partly an Electric type and its rough, jagged features evoke that of lightning or visible electric currents. Based on these, Zapdos could be thought of as "the high-energy connection". In some cases in life, we have to make quick and sometimes rough decisions in order to connect with others. Zapdos, then, serves as a perfect reminder of this fact.

Moltres - Team Valor: "Valor" is simply another word for courage. Moltres is one-half a Fire type; its entire body looks like one bright, seemingly eternally burning flame. Therefore it is not hard to see that Moltres could represent "the hot and bright boldness". Many things in life practically demand us to have the drive to achieve them. As such, Moltres represents a quality that we also ought to have when we really needed.

If any of these seem philosophical, it's because it's not hard to think of them that way. Perhaps they might have been your rationale for selecting a faction in Go - or not belonging to one. In any case, these birds are not only impressive on the outside, but also on the inside, when identified with our innermost feelings.

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