Thursday, February 6, 2020

In My Full Time

Yesterday, I wrote a post about the correlation of some of my Pokémon experiences with time. I figure that I can do the same with this post, but for a different context. For this post, I want to discuss how my preoccupation with Pokémon is realized, which in terms of jobs is like part-time and full-time. In relation to me, the answer should be rather obvious, but I want to try to flesh this out a bit more, especially regarding the specifics, as the games I play and other things that I do. The answer might turn out to be a bit more complex.

Before the advent of most spin-off Pokémon games, I spent my time pretty much fully with the main series games. There wasn't really much else to do without possession (or even existence) of many of the spin-off games that exist today. The main series games were all that was there to focus on, and that seemed to be fine; it was a main draw of Pokémon back then, and it still is today. It would seem like it would be considered one-note today, and yet it seems appreciable. I can stand to do it under the right circumstances, and others can do or have done it as well.

Nowadays, I find myself to be a part-timer when it comes to the main series games, and I seem to be almost a full-timer with the spin-off games, one game of which in particular has taken a life of its own and forms its own category of tags on this blog. I'd love to be a full-timer with the main series games today, but with all that has happened over time, this could be considered boring in a way. It is nice to know that the world of Pokémon has expanded, and it seems even nicer to try to get into the action in the expanded world.

As for other Pokémon things, I find myself to be a part-timer for many aspects, but a full-timer for the anime in a way. It's something that fills my Pokémon time when it's not spent on the games, and I'm often occupied with things related to it, especially through cosplay, where it can be said that this is demonstrated in the best way possible. I don't expect to become a full-timer for any other Pokémon aspect, but for non-game aspects, I can say that I deal with it just as I deal with the games with one certain thing in full time.

Evidently, I'm still a full-timer with regard to Pokémon. I let myself be involved in various aspects and I let other aspects pervade. These too can be described as part-time or full-time, as if they were "jobs" within my "job" of being preoccupied with Pokémon. It does seem like a complex situation when one starts to think of it. But it's also situation where good time is spent, buzzing away for something that I can enjoy. Perhaps in that way it may not really be a "job" after all.

One year ago: The Feeling of Disaggregation
Two years ago: Life with My Raid Group
Three years ago: Alola-Exeggutor - From Humanoid to Coconut Tree Dragon

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