Sunday, February 26, 2017

Fifth Cosplay Anniversary

February 26 is a treasured date for me. It was on this date five years ago that I started my adventures in cosplay. With the Ash costume that I had as pictured here, I attended my first Japanese event, prepared for cosplay. That day was such a wonderful day; for the first time, I got to become a character I very much admire and to show it off in front of others. Also, it seemed that on that day I was destined to cosplay Pokémon, as one of my friends also dressed up and became a human version of Pikachu, and effectively filled in the role of my character's companion. The memories of that day still remain in my mind and the pictures taken throughout the whole day.

That first costume didn't just appear out of nowhere. I had to consult a couple of times with the tailor who would assist in making the clothing items for the costume, and the during the time these items were made, it was quite a wait. Fortunately, when they were finished, they looked awesome. I also remember how it was with the assistance of a few friends that we got together and figured out how to make the gloves, which came in the nick of time - the night before the event. So I have many to thank for their assistance with the costume. I would use the experience I gained during the process for my later Ash costumes, and reciprocally, I would use my later experience to improve the appearance of this particular costume.

Time goes by so fast. After a half-decade of cosplay, I can say that it all has been worthwhile. With all the costumes I have worn, I've made a lot of new friends, been to different places, and had many, many wonderful times. And many of those times have been with a Pokémon cosplay. Thus I too have to thank Pokémon for providing the inspiration to get into this creative activity. It has been such a pleasure-filled five years, and I look forward to more pleasure-filled times ahead with cosplay, especially Pokémon cosplay.

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