Saturday, June 13, 2020

There's a Time and Place

I find that Pokémon fills my life and a lot of other people's lives. Even with that, I also find that Pokémon can really come to its own when brought out at certain times and places. Pokémon can make any time a good time, but it can also make a good time a great time, especially when in the company of people who appreciate or even really like it. That has been the case of a few recent times I've been conversing with people and Pokémon became a part of the conversation.

Some time ago, I was able to meet one of my neighbors and converse with the neighbor and other people, after they all returned from an activity (the neighbor is part of an adventurous family after all). Most of the conversation involved what we do day in and day out, including for recreation, and I dropped the fact that I'm a cosplayer, specifically a Pokémon cosplayer. They seemed appreciative of the fact and it enlivened the conversation to a good amount. The neighbor and family seems to appreciate Pokémon as well, which made the conversation worthwhile.

Meanwhile, today I got into a three-way conversation over the Internet with a couple of Pokémon friends from the further past and the closer present. While admittedly quite a bit of the conversation involved some darker topics (though still related to Pokémon, or at least how lives revolve around it), Pokémon still made the rest of the conversation pleasant. The state of the darker topics may be far from hope, but there is a certain color that Pokémon gives to the conversation. That color may just be able to turn into the hope needed to bring light to the darkness. (More on darkness last year - see below.)

Since Pokémon has become a powerful force in the media, it can and has affected many people, whether or not they realize it. If they don't realize it, it may well make for a good time to bring up the realization. If they do, the good times may just become better. These may occur in just about any place, as with the neighbor conversation and Internet conversation as above. It may very well be surprising how they can really indicate how powerful Pokémon is in the media.

Pokémon is great for a lot of people, and it seems to be even greater when it comes to bringing it up at certain times and in certain places. Evidently, connecting with other people is a fine (and often necessary) thing, but it may just be possible that good times or even better times may result when Pokémon is brought up in conversation. As a Pokémon fan, I know in my heart that there will always be people who have links to Pokémon, and there will always be times and places that it may just fit in.

One year ago: Chaos and Darkness

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