Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Singular vs. Multiple Focus Legendaries

The revelation of the conceptual beta for Gold and Silver, the second-generation Pokémon games, also came with a different, startling fact. Aside from the "beast trio" - which also received radical makeovers - Ho-Oh is the only "focus Legendary" present in the beta, suggesting that the game was only going to have one of this. This leads to considerations regarding their presence and the number by which they are present.

The first generation has so far been the only generation with a single focus Legendary, which is the ever-popular Mewtwo. The second generation has two, not taking into account Suicune which was forced into the role in Crystal. Since then, all other generations have had three Legendaries, typically a pair for the twin games of the generation (for example, Reshiram and Zekrom) and one that mediates the pair (continuing the example, Kyurem). All of them have had different roles in the games, being either a part of the storyline or downplayed for the sake of others, an example well-illustrated by the sixth generation with Xerneas and Yveltal in the spotlight and Zygarde more or less relegated.

In light of this, perhaps the initial decision (if it could be called that) to have one focus Legendary makes sense: it integrates well into the story of multiple games, which are essentially the same, and does not leave any behind by exclusivity, role, or otherwise. On the other hand, this would mean a loss in variety to the storylines - something like what happened in Emerald or even Platinum can't really happen with only one focus Legendary. Three seems to be a good number for a multiple of these, as demonstrated by the tendency of the Pokémon games to cluster into a duo or a trio, and this would help establish and maintain the tradition as well.

For as long as there are Pokémon games, there are sure to be Legendary Pokémon that become a focus. The only considerations left are what they are and how many will there be in a pair of games. Of course, the games themselves can and will also dictate what to factor in these considerations. The result can be as limited as in the first generation and the conjecture in the revealed beta, or as diverse as the Pokémon games have turned out today.

One year ago: I Don't Want to Miss a Thing

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