Thursday, June 13, 2019

Chaos and Darkness

What I love about Pokémon is that it makes me and a whole lot of other people happy. However, as with any other fandom, chaos and darkness may result. The latest is the non-inclusivity information and announcement from the other day; not only has this resulted in a petition as mentioned, it also has led to a flurry of "dislike" on the YouTube video that concerns this. This is evidently chaos blooming due to a perceived "darkness".

I took the two primary keywords of the title and topic of this post from a statement that I found emblazoned on a wall. The statement itself wasn't really related to Pokémon, but the "chaos and darkness" part spoke to me. It made me think about the information and announcement from yesterday and how things are seemingly spiraling into just that, what with the petition and the flurry of "dislikes", the latter for which I'm sad to say that one of my fellows (indicated to) have joined in.

On a different note, of chaos and darkness themselves, the world of Pokémon could be said to nurture them, in a way. Ghost, Dark, and Psychic types are all around, and it has been established from the games, and anime, and pretty much everywhere that they can wreak substantial havoc if they so desired. The kinds of havoc they wreak might not measure up to what has recently transpired, but some people and fans might think it might lead up to that. I personally hope that it's not so and wouldn't be so.

Chaos and darkness (and a bit of controversy) is nothing new to and with Pokémon. Reports from the first Go Fest have spoken of a few distraught players complaining about the bugs in the game as well as some things there. The first transition of the English voice actors for the dub of the anime also caused a bit of furor, to which I'm sad to say that I might have been involved in a part of it. And then there was the "incident" with the anime, which could be said to have left more than chaos and darkness in its wake, and should be discussed differently, though not soon.

Pokémon is overall something that gives happiness and fun. But every once in a while, chaos and darkness seems to like to perturb into that. The newest information about the soon-to-be new games appears to be as such. It has to be kept in check so that it doesn't become real chaos and darkness as could be caused by certain Pokémon, or yet another major one in a list of them. After that, it's back to more happiness and fun as it should be.

One year ago: Singular vs. Multiple Focus Legendaries
Two years ago: I Don't Want to Miss a Thing

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