Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Secret Garden

We can fly away
And we can talk heart to heart
Let's get to paradise with invisible wings
Someday our dreams will come true
So we can find the way
Yes, we can stay together now
Because there is hope for everyone
The secret garden's waiting for you
-- "Secret Garden", Madoka

While still on the subject of Pokémon Heroes, there is actually something else from the film that I like. As the title of this post suggests, that would be the insert song "Secret Garden" by Madoka. This tune is played on the approach to the reveal of the key plot device of the film, which is actually contained in a secret garden of sorts. What is unique is that the song is in English, something rare for films that originate from Japan. The lyrics and composition convey a dreamlike, mystical feeling at the point where it is played. Because of these features, I personally consider the song a brilliant work, especially in relation to the film.

This song is also apropos to the place where I currently reside. Many people consider Indonesia to be a paradise on Earth, and its people are no exception. It's an archipelago with natural beauty in many of its parts. Like the plot device in the film, this is a treasure and something to be preserved. In that respect, Indonesia really could be considered a "secret garden" as well. And the analogy goes even deeper; if Indonesia is a "secret garden" for the world, then the area where I reside is a "secret garden" for Indonesia. From where I live, I can access forests and mountains for natural getaways. It's like having a paradise within a paradise.

One message that can be gleaned from the song is that there is a "secret garden" for each of us - a place where we feel most welcome to be in. And it doesn't have to be a natural paradise; the "secret garden" is simply the place that lets us relate to one another and maintain hope and optimism for the times ahead. Our only task is to have the "wings" to be able to get there, but once we do get there, we can take solace that things will be all right.

I hope that we all can find and get to our own "secret gardens". Maybe, just maybe, we're already there without realizing it.

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