Thursday, February 9, 2017


One of the fundamental dimensions of our world is time. Time keeps the world moving forward and everything abides by it. Whether people or creature, animate or inanimate, or small or large, there is nothing that isn't affected by time. As time progresses, things also change, whether for better or worse.

It is fitting, therefore, that in the Pokémon world, there is a supreme embodiment of time, and that is the Pokémon Dialga. Dialga is the titan of time and even has some control of time. With its Roar of Time, heavy damage is inflicted on surrounding Pokémon. The Roar of Time can even act as a time machine of sorts and rewind people and things to a certain state. Dialga is thus nothing short of powerful, especially in regard to the aspect it symbolizes.

We may not have any superior control over time - Dialga's control is also not wholly superior - but we can make use of the power of time to make things like growing plants and nurturing others happen. It is also no secret in the games that Dialga is held with some reverence, as is any legendary Pokémon. As such we must also have some respect for time, in particular that of others; we ought to honor time we spend for others as well as time that others spend for us.

Time is an aspect that has great power to change things, and this aspect also needs to be respected. If anything, Dialga is an embodiment of those spirits that reflect the character of time. May we be all like Dialga, being equally as respectful of time as we are powerful with it.

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