Thursday, March 9, 2017

Tonight, We Honor the Hero

Heavy fans of Japanese anime will undoubtedly recognize the line that I've used to title this post. I must say up front that I don't watch that particular anime, but I just happen to like the song in which the line is included. That said, "honoring the hero" is something that I do in my own ways. And when it comes to Pokémon, in particular the anime series, this is in relation to Ash.

I've already detailed my penchant for the art of cosplay, and how more often than not it involves Pokémon and Ash. I consider this my strongest suit in honoring Ash, as having watched the anime countless of times, I've understood his ways and behaviors somewhat well, enough to think that mine resembles his. On a more personal side, I also occasionally use his name to sign high scores in a game, as a game username, and so on, though this is mostly for private use; elsewhere I tend to use my own initials instead, not unlike a female anime character that does the same.

I think Ash and I are both a lot alike. We're both stubborn, determined, and goal-oriented. We both know what we want and will work for it, though it doesn't necessarily work out. We're also kind-hearted to all our friends, human and Pokémon alike. These are all characteristics that are (or can be) positive, and I'm glad to take after them. In a way, that becomes another way of "honoring the hero". It is also these characteristics that I am reminded of in my other ways of honoring, as above.

Someone who does something for goodwill is a hero. Based on this definition, Ash in some ways is a hero, and is fit for honor. Whoever your heroes are, it is not wrong to do this so long as what is taken is positive and the results are also positive. The end result of doing this is best described by another line of the song that is not too distantly related to the title of my post:

I swear, I'll respect the hero!

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