Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Console Renewal?

My friend-and-fellow-Pokémon-fan has given me another Wii break; during our last get-together, he allowed me to borrow the Wii for another week. Now I feel compelled to attack PokéPark 2 further while I am in possession of it again. At the same time, I can't help but wonder if I should acquire new game consoles so I can play the Pokémon games on them. So allow me to break down the current situation and make a conclusion for myself.

3DS/New 3DS. I'm pretty proud of the LE Pikachu 3DS that I acquired from the same friend above. It has been my workhorse for the sixth- and seventh-generation games, as well as a few odd games, including my current preoccupation with Shuffle. I don't see any incentive to upgrade my experience to the New 3DS, even if it has an LE Pikachu of its own, which is indeed pretty nice. I'm told that the seventh-generation games, Sun and Moon, still somewhat lag even on the New 3DS, so that alone is not enough of an incentive. It'll have to be a really blockbuster game for myself to get me to buy the New 3DS.

Wii. Obviously from time to time (as in, now), I have access to my friend's Wii and can play the Pokémon games on it. However, my friend only has three games - both PokéParks and Battle Revolution - and I'm not quite sure if that is of enough incentive to get a Wii. The Wii does have one thing going for it, which is that it can play GameCube games, and Pokémon XD is one that I've been wanting to try for ages. So that alone is a good incentive to acquire a Wii somehow. My friend also has been assuming the role of a "Wii purveyor" nowadays, so he can help with the setup also. This one needs some thought.

Wii U. A Wii U is even more dicey than a Wii for me, since I only foresee only playing Pokkén on it, and it would be harder to set up than the Wii U. My friend tells me that he can help out with the setup of a Wii U as well, but I'm not sure how far this would go. And even though the Wii U is fairly recent and has been eclipsed by the Switch, it's still a little expensive for me. This one needs even more thought and consideration than getting a Wii.

Switch. As I've stated in my early considerations for the Switch, I think it's still too early to get one. It has just been released, its capabilities are unique, and its form factor is neat, but it's still very expensive and there are not many games for it, not even Pokémon, though (at least) one has been informed to come. At this point I'm not even considering the Switch, and similarly to the case of the New 3DS, I will only get it if a really blockbuster game for me appears.

Based on the considerations above, it is most likely that I will get a Wii so that I won't have to borrow from my friend and I'll have a resident console that both I and my friends can enjoy playing. A Wii U is also not completely out of the picture since it may also work for my needs. Meanwhile, I'm still reserved about getting a New 3DS or the Switch. Whatever I decide on, the important thing is to enjoy playing what I get, since that's the whole point of getting a console. It would definitely provide a fun break for possibly not just me, but all of my friends, including the one from whom I borrow the Wii.

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