Thursday, January 26, 2017

The Times They Are a-Switchin'

Recently, Nintendo has announced their newest console, the Switch, which is slated for release this year. The crux of the device is that it is a hybrid console: you can take it anywhere to play like a handheld, or you can play it in front of a TV like a traditional console. Nintendo likes to "carve out its own path", and this concept definitely fits that principle. A bevy of games have been announced for the console, including a new Pokémon game, though there is not much more information for the latter.

I've never owned a traditional console; I've only owned handhelds like the 3DS. The prospect of the Switch is very exciting, being both a console that can stay put when you want it to or move when you need it to. With the fact that Pokémon is coming along for the ride, this makes me happy as a fan - there might be other Pokémon games to follow, which could bode well for all of us fans of the franchise.

All the same, the Switch is still in its early stages, and I'm wary about adopting something so early in its lifecycle, game console or otherwise; my experience with early adoption has been hit-or-miss, so there have been times that things have not worked out as much as there have been times that things have worked well. Plus, whatever the Pokémon game that is coming is still under wraps, giving another good reason to wait and see.

I'm sure that there will be a time for "switchin'", but I just don't feel that it's that time yet. But with Pokémon in the mix, that time might just come sooner rather than later. And once the game comes out, then it will really be that time.

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