Thursday, April 6, 2017

These Foolish Things Remind Me of Pokémon

A tinkling piano in the next apartment;
Those stumblin' words that told you what my heart meant;
A fairground's painted swings;
These foolish things remind me of you.
-- "These Foolish Things (Remind Me of You)"

Here's a song that has many cover versions yet still sounds nice; the original is by Billie Holiday, but I'm personally partial to the Rod Stewart cover. This one is even more abstract than Shania's minor hit, but it still manages to remind me of Pokémon. In general, this song is considered part of the Great American Songbook as it was a popular song in the mid-20th century, but in my book it might as well be part of the Great Pokémon Songbook.

Considering the lines exactly as above, I'm indeed reminded of a few things. The tinkling piano might not be in the next apartment, but it is part of a particular cover of "Smile", one of the ending themes of the anime. Stumbling words and expressions? There was much of the same when Ash and Misty met for the first time - and subsequent times too. And then the painted swings, they may not be a part of fairgrounds, but they may also be part of schools as in the Trubbish episode. These may be esoteric and a little odd, but they're also a part of Pokémon nonetheless.

I didn't include the very first part of the first verse in the quoted lyrics above for a good reason: I'm not friendly with one of the parts. But that is part of the beauty of the song; they can be revised as little as possible, as above, or even totally to suit a more Pokémon mood. So let's see if I can conjure up a slightly different verse:

Two guardians present, a town on the sea;
I have a blank look, but you can trust me;
Oh, how the ghost of you clings; (Sabrina vs. Haunter comes to mind!)
These foolish things remind me of you.

Hmmm. That works, I guess - with some apologies to Eric Maschwitz (the original songwriter). You and I might have our own foolish things, but they may just remind you of Pokémon. And as another part of the song says:

These things are dear to me; they seem to bring you so near to me.

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