Sunday, July 30, 2017

Cosplay: ACOLYTES 2017

A wild event has appeared! Haha. But it really is wild in some sense. For starters, this is the first chance I've gotten to cosplay in an event after two months, and I'm happy to be back. Another reason that this is wild is because this event takes place in a venue that last year was the host to two great events that I attended, only separated by a matter of months. Finally, this event is a three-day event, but due to certain circumstances and for the sake of convenience, I chose to go on the last day - that is, today.

And today I chose to go with an old standby: my Ash Classic costume. I had been planning to use this one for a return to cosplay, and now is that chance. I had also used it last year for one of the events hosted here, but I didn't cosplay efficiently, so this is why I'm returning to it. Had I been able to go yesterday, though, I would have been able to participate in the cosplay walk, but I couldn't, so today I'm just street cosplaying. It still makes me happy regardless that I'm doing so with a Pokémon costume, which is what I like.

I have to say that I also spent a good deal of time (re)connecting with people who know me for my Pokémon cosplay. This is something that I enjoy when coming to local or regional events and I cosplay with one of my Pokémon costumes. I'm only too happy to cosplay Pokémon characters and to be able to relate and communicate through it. Of course, I always meet new people and cosplayers, and I'm happy to interact with them too. As a primarily Pokémon cosplayer, I feel delighted to have these connections.

By the way, "ACOLYTES" is short for Art-Comic-Lifestyle, at least the "ACOLYTE" portion. And this was very true; many stands were present in the event and they peddled official and indie wares related to the things that people like (as well as art and comics), which happened to be mostly Japanese things, including Pokémon. However, I ended up not buying anything due to budget constraints and most of the Pokémon wares were not novel enough. In the next event, I might just buy something to make up for this.

Overall, this was a pretty nice event for getting back to cosplay. It has let me release some pent-up energy I've devoted to cosplay. However, I also can't release too much, for something tells me I'm going to still need some of that energy for a few events in the weeks ahead. But as long as I stay true to my cosplay, I should have no problems. I'm excited to bring out my Pokémon cosplay yet again.

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