Sunday, July 23, 2017

Cosplay in a Bag

I'm always looking for ways to make my cosplay more convenient, in particular my Pokémon cosplay. I've devised a concept for that, and that is "cosplay in a bag". A fact of cosplay is that any kind of cosplay requires bringing the items necessary for cosplay, whether they be clothes for fabric costumes, armor pieces for armor costumes, and the associated props that go along with them; more often than not this utilizes bags of some kind. So you might say that my concept is obvious in regard to this fact - but my concept actually goes beyond this.

What I'm talking about is not only carrying the items for cosplay in a bag, but also making the bag a part of the costume and cosplay itself. Let's take an example of one of my costumes - Ash Classic, for example. What I want to do is that I want to have a bag that is the same or similar to what Ash carries with this costume, then I want to be able to pack the clothing, accessories, and props within this bag; when I go to the event, I take out my stuff from my bag, put them on or hold onto them, and then carry the bag with me as part of the costume. The bag then makes my appearance look more true to the character.

The "convenience" part of this is that I leave absolutely nothing behind (except trash, which only needs to go where it should go). This solution is inspired by the situation that I see often in local cosplay events: many cosplayers bring a big load of their items in a bag when they cosplay, but after they are fully in "cosplay mode", what are left are their bags, which have nowhere else to go unless the bags can be stowed somewhere safely or someone can watch over them - neither of which are always possible. It's a situation I've been in before, and the hope is that this solution obviates this need if at all possible.

The most enterprising of cosplayers can and should be able to develop this solution more elegantly for their costumes, perhaps even concealing it if need be. Personally, my application of this concept has been limited; I've only got one Pokémon costume for which this application has been implemented. However, I look forward to be able to implement this concept for as many of my costumes as possible, though undoubtedly this will take some time and effort.

This solution is by no means the final word; if it is more practical and safety can be assured, it may be better to stow bags or have someone watch them. It is purely a conceptual advice, a conjecture if you will, based on my Pokémon cosplay, for which this solution is really best suited for. The fact remains that cosplay also means bringing bags of stuff; it would be convenient if this was less of a hassle, and this is one solution I propose, one that I'm only happy to implement in my Pokémon cosplay.

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