Friday, July 28, 2017

Modern Games, Retro Flavor

I've already discussed how the Pokémon games went from sprites to models in my post yesterday, so now it's time to play around with these concepts. Specifically, I've got a neat and creative idea that also seems crazy and improbable, but I might as well throw it out. That idea is to take a modern game for the 3DS that use 3D models (preferably the new main series members X, Y, Sun, and Moon) and remake them with sprites, branding them with a "retro flavor". Given what has happened with the main series, it's personally a nice idea, though hindered by other sensibilities.

This idea primarily stems from the 3DS lag issue that I've continuously harped on about. If the lag stems from the use of the 3D models, then sprites can make up for this by presenting the games with an appearance that harks back from the past, but the games still run the way the modern games run. With that in mind, so many things and mechanics have changed in the games along with the sprite-model transition that it could also be neat to experience them the way they were previously experienced with the low-fidelity graphics of the sprites. So it's really just keeping the modern gameplay of the main series games but pairing them with a retro look similar to a previous generation - perhaps most notably the fifth generation as this is where everything graphical about sprites was most developed.

However, I know that such an idea does not come to fruition easily for a few reasons that I can already think of. One is that the nature of Pokémon games in general is looking forward, and even if it's a remake like Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, it's also looking forward since the new look is with those games, so it could feel odd for some people to have a modern game with a retro look. Even if it could be realized somehow, either its demand would not be high, or its demand would "cannibalize" the new look; in the former case it would be only for die-hard fans like me, and in the latter case, it would be for all fans. Plus, the eras of X/Y and Sun/Moon have already passed for the former and are in passing in the latter, making such a realization, if ever, only possible should these get remade, which would be a long time from now.

Sprites are a definite part of the history of Pokémon games, as are the current 3D models, and to meld them with the current gameplay is a novel idea, though it's more of a personal desire of mine and may not reflect the desire of others. By several other considerations, it's even more of an improbable idea. Retro is sometimes nice to look at, but it may not be the course of action in regard to the Pokémon games. Yet it still remains a conjecture, an idea that can be played around with, and with that much I am at least content.

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