Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Movie Times

A friend asked me today if I like watching movies, and I do, but it's just that recently I haven't found the time to to watch them. There's always something pressing that comes up that prevents me from sitting down for a full one to two hours (plus) to watch a movie. The same situation applies equally well to the Pokémon movies or what I like to call "feature films" as they are the anime with a story extended to fill the length of a movie, and thus they are "features". Yet these are obviously the ones I like the most.

I've liked the Pokémon feature films since the beginning with the first one, which in English is entitled Mewtwo Strikes Back. Interestingly, that one I didn't watch at the cinema; I was somewhat late to the party and only got to watch it at home on a VHS cassette, back when these were still popular and DVDs were still fledgling. I redeemed this situation, though, by watching the next two movies at the cinema while still obtaining the cassettes for them to watch at home, and when 4Ever wasn't readily accessible, I got its cassette too, as well as the follow-up feature to the first movie. After that, I continued watching the movies at home on DVDs for the next three, and either televised or through other methods for the rest.

Like any movie, I appreciate how the Pokémon feature films have extended and enthralling storylines that keep me engaged for its duration. I'm just caught up in the action, setting, characters, music, and everything that make the films what they are. Sometimes, they even leave lasting impressions and memories that make me desire to watch them again, though I know time is not always on my side. The important thing is that I have the chance to experience them all for at least once, and that is sufficient to let me have a part of the experience in my mind, for they are all indeed experiences.

I've recently opened up a possible access for the Hoopa and Volcanion feature films, though I'm not sure when I'll be able to devote time specifically for them. The same is true of a few of the movies that preceded these two, though I've yet to obtain access to them. And going forward, the Pokémon feature films will always become an important agenda, especially considering that the next one will be the biggest one yet in terms of experience. That experience, and a few others, will have to wait - but I can tell it will be a worthwhile wait.

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