Saturday, July 8, 2017

Pursuing Shiny?

I've already discussed the stories of the Shiny, the Pokémon that look somewhat different than their normal appearance. I've encountered them and so have my friends that play the Pokémon games. Now, their different appearance is what gives Shiny Pokémon value; due to their rarity, they are worth having for purely that reason. However, unlike some of my friends, I'm not interested in actively pursuing them for my own reasons.

As I've mentioned, Shiny Pokémon are incredibly rare; the Shiny Charm helps a little bit, but they are still rare even with it. In fact, the encounter rate was just raised in the sixth generation, giving them a fighting chance to appear. The Shiny Charm itself is obtainable by completing the Pokédex, a borderline gargantuan task for one person to do alone and still a major task as a whole. As for Shiny Pokémon themselves, they're different by appearance, but that's about it. They are otherwise identical to their non-Shiny counterparts.

That brings me to my reasons. Because of their rarity even with the Shiny Charm, I prefer not to be obsessed in capturing one. The Shiny trait is also not necessarily inherited when breeding, so this process is subject to the same encounter rate as captures, which means I don't wish to be obsessed with this as well. If I do catch or hatch a Shiny Pokémon, I'll accept it as it is, but nothing beyond that. If I can shape one into a fearsome battler, then that's great; if not, that's no problem.

Shiny Pokémon are great, but they shouldn't be the be-all and end-all for every Trainer to have; after all, the point is that they are rare, and if they weren't, then everyone would have them by now and they would lose their novelty. I'm fine with not fully active seeking them, though I'll accept them as they come. At least they make for interesting stories or conversation pieces when they do appear.

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