Tuesday, July 4, 2017

The Subdued Hometown Themes

I'm feeling somewhat lax even though I've got quite a bit of things to do and now I'm just trying to do them all from home. Suddenly I'm reminded of the "hometown" themes in the main series of Pokémon games, the ones that play in the towns where the journeys start. They're all somewhat subdued, considering that they're essentially preludes to journeys full of excitement and chaos aplenty, which is how I feel right now - I feel like I'm anticipating something of that nature.

The most famous of these themes is of course the theme for Pallet Town, which is featured in the first- and second-generation games. A snippet of it is also played for one of the pixel-and-sounds LINE sticker, the one with the caption "Technology is incredible!". Understandably, anything from the first generation is considered iconic and by extension memorable, so the same goes for this particular piece. It was indeed the first piece that came to mind just now, and it's the piece that I have practically memorized the main melody of.

Still, that doesn't mean the other themes are any less special. The third-generation Littleroot Town theme is slightly bouncy but is nonetheless still subdued. The fourth-generation Twinleaf Town theme is somewhat extended than most of the other themes and maintains the subdued feeling longer before the repeat decreases it. It's these little things that keep each theme unique and enchanting.

With the memory of these themes in my mind, I feel I have become even more compelled to finish up those tasks at a good pace, yet not to become too rushed in doing so. In effect I do believe that excitement and chaos will reveal themselves after the tasks are complete. So like a Pokémon Trainer starting a journey, that is what I must resume now.

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