Sunday, August 27, 2017

In-Town vs. Out-of-Town Events

I love bringing my Pokémon cosplay to any event, whether in-town, out-of-town, or if there is a chance, really out-of-town ones. I've already missed two recently in the last category, and they're events where I've had the chance to bring in my Pokémon cosplay in earlier editions, but that's all right, since they were replaced by a number of great local, in-town or out-of-town ones. This leads into the consideration of the priorities of going to these events.

Now, I like going to local in-town events very much. Sure, they're not as big and flashy as events in other places, but at least they are somewhat lively, easy to get to, and I think deserves some support; the organizers have done their work to get things going, so it is only right that they be attended. Still, if they happen to be popular enough in the region, they would also happen to be big enough. Some of the events I've covered on this blog are as such, like Daisuki! Japan back in March and Isshoni Tanoshimimashou back in May. So if there is a local in-town event, then that is the one I prioritize before any others.

I also like going to out-of-town events as they appear or come to my attention, and if there are no local events scheduled at the same time. Many of them are also quite popular among my fellow cosplayers, so those are the ones that I try to prioritize. Small events like Tomodachi earlier this month are OK too if I happen to have close personal connections with them; otherwise, I'd rather go to fewer big ones rather than a lot of small ones. Transportation is really the key issue here: if I can't contrive a way to easily and comfortably get there, then it's not an event that I would probably try to attend. Fortunately, many big events are still relatively easy to get to either on my own or with a group, and this is appreciable.

As for really out-of-town events, I'm not interested in going there unless circumstances really allow it to happen. They need transportation and stay plannings that are even more involved than for just out-of-town events; this is something I can attest to after having been able to come to a couple of them. I would be extremely lucky should I have the chance to go to one again in the future, though this would for the most part be uncertain.

Thus I would rather go to a local in-town event if one is available, but just out-of-town events are quite possible and probable, while really out-of-town events are kind of hazy though not out of the picture. All of these events have different characteristics and require different efforts to get there. However, as long as cosplay is offered and/or welcome, and I can attend, I'm only too happy to bring my Pokémon cosplay for others to enjoy.

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