Monday, August 7, 2017

Metal Unova Cap Pikachu Keychain

I have to say that yesterday's event took place in a somewhat remote location, more distant than where I usually venture out of town for events. I really enjoyed the event, so I couldn't bring myself to come away without some sort of merchandise. So that is exactly what I did, and one of the things I came away with was this nifty little thing.

While spending time with a friend, we happened upon a shop that sold all kinds of anime(-inspired) stuff, including Pokémon, and I discovered this little gem of a keychain. It was the first thing that caught my eye when I walked into the shop, and it was also decently priced compared to other Pokémon things in the shop, and that was what prompted me to purchase it.

I've advertised this thing as a keychain, but it's actually a bit more than that. The shopkeeper said that this item more qualifies as an ornament that can be placed in various places, but that does not preclude it from being used as I advertised it. To that effect, the shopkeeper graciously provided a connector ring so that it can be used as such. Looking at the craftsmanship of the item, though, I might be a little loath to use it as a keychain and simply keep it as an ornament. The Poké Ball is neatly designed and Pikachu is a little exaggerated, but it works. The colors are fairly limited but at least they're fairly close to accurate, and that adds value to the item.

Overall, this is a fairly neat item that has potential for different uses, though I would really keep it to one use. If I were to use it as a keychain, I'd love to use it for a key that doesn't see much movement, like a key for something at home. If I were to use it as an ornament, I'd want to use it where I can view it conspicuously as it is somewhat small. In any case, I'd say that this is a worthwhile purchase that also doubles as a souvenir and a memento of this remote event.

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