Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Pokémon Desktop Wallpapers

I like Pokémon a whole lot. So naturally, I want to see it in many places. One of those places is on the background of my computer desktop as a wallpaper image. Since I use my computer for a lot of things, not the least of which is to manage Pokémon stuff, a wallpaper image is a perfect place to put a reminder of something that I really like so that I may be able to come back to it every so often. This also becomes an area where I can get to express my creativity when I decide to make ones of my own.

That's not to say I don't like the wallpaper creations of others. I in fact like official wallpapers as those on the main Pokémon web sites, because more often than not, they are aesthetically more pleasing than indie designs. Of course, there are also indie wallpapers that are just as good as official designs, but they're not as often found as official ones. In any case, both of these serve as partial inspirations of what I like to do more, which is to make my own wallpapers.

The wallpapers that I design and make myself come in two flavors. The first is totally original designs that cannot be found anywhere else, at least to my knowledge. I try to create these as much as I possibly can, though sometimes I draw a blank. That's when the second one comes in: I also like to make crossover designs that evoke other things, sometimes to an extent parodying them. As I've stated in my post on crossovers, I think of myself as a "remix artist", so I also find it pleasing to mash up and combine other works, so in this case it would be doing so to represent Pokémon graphically in a different way. Whichever flavor I desire, it still takes quite a bit of effort to realize them.

What kinds of things do I like seeing on Pokémon wallpapers? I'm partial to Ash, certainly, so I like seeing him on a wallpaper. I also like to see distinct Pokémon such as Pikachu as well as objects such as Poké Balls. Even more so, I also like seeing the Pokémon logo in some way on a wallpaper. Sometimes I like to see the logo as a small part of the wallpaper, but other times I like it as the major feature of the wallpaper; most of my fairly recent creations have been for the latter case. The intermingling of all of these elements remains a definitive part of the appearance.

Desktop background wallpapers are important because they are often the first thing to be seen after booting up a computer. I don't see how they can't reflect things that are considered important, which in my case is Pokémon. To be reminded of it whenever I go to do my business on my computer is simply a wonderful thing and keeps alive something that is truly a world of mine.

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