Friday, August 4, 2017

Pokémon on My Bed

My room is filled with Pokémon stuff. It's on my table and in my drawers and cabinets. But the only thing that hasn't gotten a Pokémon makeover is my bed, aside from a few of the stuff that has spilled onto my bed, but that can hardly be called a makeover. So now I'm interested to see if I can do just that: I want to give my bed a Pokémon makeover in some way. Actually, in the past there was an attempt to do this, but I never made it all the way.

Over a decade ago, I saw a Pikachu fabric that featured Pikachu in many forms on a red check pattern. I thought it was interesting and I wanted to have it. One of my relatives thought of a better idea: instead of just having it as it is, it was better to turn it into a bedspread for my then-smaller bed. And this actually happened... but that was the only thing that happened. I didn't deal with the pillows or the sheets, though in the back of my mind, I was thinking of doing those as well.

Fast forward to today, now I have a larger bed, and that bedspread is inaccessible; even if it was accessible, it wouldn't fit my current bed. So now it becomes clear that I have to make a new bedspread to fit my larger bed. While I'm at it, I might as well make pillow cases, since all my other bed coverings include those as a set. The fabric, however, will be the tough part; I can't hope to find that Pikachu fabric again, but maybe I can find an alternative. Another idea is to print Pokémon images on a certain fabric and use that for coverings, but this isn't practical and I would save it for a last resort - this would be true for the sheets as well.

What about the two pillows I bought some time ago? While they look attractive, I wouldn't want to put them where I actually sleep. I want to keep them decorative and put them away from where I sleep. I'm also not interested in a huggable bolster pillow (also known as a dakimakura), though it could be fun to have one. I like simplicity in the actual area where I sleep, so all I need is the pillow for my head and sheets, and I'm all set. All decorations like these can stay at the foot of my bed or another portion where I don't sleep on.

Putting actual Pokémon touches on my bed is still something I occasionally think of, given that I've had an actual history of an attempt to do so. Yet there are also a few things to think about should I undertake this right now. Even so, simplicity is a good thing and something I'm in favor of, so I consider that only a few things are really needed for my own attempt at doing this. In any case, I believe that I can do something even greater and better-looking this time around.

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