Monday, January 23, 2017

Two Pokémon Pillows

I have two Pokémon pillows, and they're both interesting in my view. They're both unofficial merchandise, but that's what makes them all the more interesting. These look so impressive you could almost consider them official.

These are the two pillows:

The one on the left is a Pokémon pillow I picked up at a mall. It's clearly unofficial by the fact that it has the Go emblem with a scene that is very clearly from the anime. Yet it is that scene that makes the pillow impressive - it has Ash and nearly all his Pokémon friends up to the fifth generation. This pillow is similar in story to one of the shirts I posted a while back, but also in part because I extremely like the scene. I don't care that there is the Go emblem on it; all I care is that it's a Pokémon pillow that looks really, really nice. which is why I got it.

The one on the right is a Pokémon pillow I picked up from a Japanese event in the middle of last year. The pillow looks glossy and is adorned with members of the Pikachu family, including Pichu and Raichu, as well as Poké Balls. It too is unofficial, but the quality of craftsmanship and design makes you wish that it was. Still, I got this pillow because I'm partial to anything Pikachu and colored blue, and this pillow is definitely both. Plus, it's a good boost for the indie stall selling the goods.

These two pillows that I have may not be official merchandise. But admittedly, in the end, they do have distinct styles and they are distinctively Pokémon. And that is why I got them as they are.

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