Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy Halloween!

It's finally Halloween! It's a day for spooky, creepy, and scary things, which may be a lot of things for a lot of people. And my thing (as well as other peoples' thing) for that is Pokémon. It might be a little unconventional in a way, but it's not too strange as well in a different regard.

Halloween in general has an aura of spookiness about it, but there's no reason it can't involve Pokémon as well. Pokémon has its own department of spooky things, in the form of Ghost- and Dark-type creatures. They're a totally welcome part of the festivities even though some of them could be construed as cute and friendly instead of scary. But that's a good thing; in a world where creatures can be captured for one's behalf, it's only natural to want a few to be on one's side as a comrade. I personally have no qualms about making good relations with ghosts and creatures of the dark if that means we can both benefit from it. It's appreciable for Halloween and beyond.

But then again, there's nothing like making the less spooky appear more spooky, like typical ghosts, goblins, mummies, et cetera that carry more of the "monster" connotation than do the "monsters" of Pokémon. Such is the case with the Halloween Mascot keychain that I covered almost two months ago. It may be whimsical, but it's also scary good. The same could also be considered true of any Pokémon made to look in a similar manner. They balance things out their more spooky counterparts and make a Pokémon Halloween a spooky and good time, which I definitely approve.

Meanwhile, today I've tried to insert as many Pokémon influences as possible. I've worked on that Halloween event of Go, but I've only made slight progress, though that's better than nothing. I also spent and enjoyed the evening in one of my Ash costumes as a nod to the festivity of this special day. There was no trick-or-treating, but the entire day was still a trick-or-treat in certain ways. It still works with that consideration.

All things considered, Halloween has a place in Pokémon and Pokémon has a place in Halloween. I appreciate the combination of both and applaud to whoever can make this happen, and even more so when the spookiness of the day can be maintained. I wish a Happy Halloween from this Pokémon fan to you!

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