Sunday, April 29, 2018

Cosplay: Isshoni Tanoshimimashou 13


My friend really likes this theme event. He says he has lots of links to it and everyone involved. I like it too, and I don't mind showing up in it. Everyone else does too, which is why it's popular every year. I'm amazed at how things have gone on since the first time I was sent here, and so is my friend. I'm sure people will keep coming the next time and the next.

For this time, I was sent with the newest and greatest outfit I have, which is my Kanto outfit from my special adventure. And for the first time ever, I and my friend were able to arrange things so that I can take part in the character parade. My friend has been waiting a long time for this and we're finally able to "play for the home team", or to be exact, my friend's home team. I like the response of the people who watched, but that was about all I got. Only three characters won prizes in the parade, but I wasn't one of them. I'm a little sad that I couldn't take one for my friend's "home team", but that's the way things are.

Pikachu: Pi. [flat]

I did get a certificate, though, thanks to my friend's effort to get me in the character parade, so that must be worth something for him. I'm sure of it.

As always, this is a two-day event, but as my friend said last year, not many people come on the first day, as there isn't really anything much to see and enjoy on the first day. On the second day, there is much, much more. One of them is a famous guy I saw last year at a different place. And yeah, this means I didn't see him with my Sinnoh outfit, but that's OK. It was bound to happen sooner or later, and I guess it had to happen now. He's a warm guy, though, and I had a chance to greet him. There might be something that he likes about me, but I don't know.

This is a good place to meet people and other characters. It happens that one of those other characters seem familiar, and this is true! I met Misty for the first time in a local event, which surprised me and a few of my character friends. We moved around for a couple of hours before she had to leave, but it was great. I'm sorry I can't show photos though, since the one who sent her asked me to hold back just in case. It was still really fun to go with her and meet everyone. If things work out, I'm told that there might be a chance to be with other Pokémon characters in the future. Maybe it'll be fun then too.

This one has been up and down but still quite fun. We all had fun together, just like the name of the event. It was an even better experience this year. I appreciate the efforts of my friend in sending me here, and I think he'd appreciate how great things have gotten. Keep it up, my friend, and let's see what will take place next time.


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