Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Getting Social with Cosplay

I have to confess that there might be another reason why I might not win something from the cosplay parade or walk on Sunday: I skipped one of the requirements that stated I had to post something on a certain social media platform, which I happen to not have an account on, and at this point I'm not sure I should be having. Sure, I have a Facebook account, and I've used it once for a cosplay teaser, but it was dictated by convenience as much as it is by requirement. I've also linked my Google account for the purpose of this blog and for possible utilization of YouTube, but other than these, I have little else. It's a limiting factor to my cosplay efforts, but I do have good reasons behind it too.

By now everyone's heard of the FB scandal where it turns out there was much data about people leaked to certain parties. This is what makes me leery about usage of social media on the Internet; sometimes I just don't know or am not sure where the information about everything that I do on them ends up, even if I set the restrictions properly. I know the leaked data was due to an external link, but still, there might be a chance that all my other data might go around in ways that I don't know about. And that's important - once I'm on social media, I have to lose some of my privacy, perhaps even further when I'm on many social media platforms, so I feel I have to limit what I share; cosplay and Pokémon seem to be OK, but I may still need to limit that too. And of course, managing multiple social media takes time, something I have even less of today, even with Pokémon.

As for social media that's actually connected to cosplay, I do have one, but it's been such a long time since I've accessed and updated it that it's hard for me to say much more about it. But it does present an all-inclusive solution for anyone involved with cosplay, so it's a good thing; it's just that I've somewhat neglected it. There is another one that I do have, but it feels like I've been coerced into using it as part of a certain big event that I attended earlier this year, so I've neglected that too. I'm more inclined to get back into the former than the latter, but it would take some prodding, and even then I would be unsure of how.

I'm not antisocial, but I do feel I have to watch who I make social links to and where. Not everything in the real world is pleasant, nor is everything on the Internet. And if this means limiting my social media exposure, then so be it. I can't divulge everything about myself, but I'll happily divulge certain things at will if I deem them feasible. I'll still profess about Pokémon and post about my cosplay efforts - especially when it comes to Pokémon - on this blog and other social media, if it seems OK for you and me.

One year ago: Console Renewal?

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