Monday, June 18, 2018

Boxes of Go-Goodies

Every so often, there is something special that shows up in the Shop for Pokémon Go. That something special is boxes containing loads and loads of helpful items. These items are often tailored to the (possible) needs of the current events, so they often change in compositions from one period to the next. Even with this in mind, some things can be gleaned from the boxes in order to make use of them efficiently.

The most common boxes that appear are the Special Box, Great Box, and Ultra Box; each subsequent box typically contains more items than the previous one and also costs more coins to get. There are also uniquely special boxes like the Community Day Box and the Anniversary Box for their respective occasions. Whichever box is purchased, sufficient item space needs to be made for the items earned, as with any bulk item purchases. As well, these boxes also appear for a limited time - as is clearly stated in the Shop - for the duration of the event, so they must and can only be purchased within the duration of their events.

Again, the compositions of the boxes vary depending on the occasion, but they often contain items that can be bought in bulk even without a box (like Lucky Eggs and Lure Modules), items that are typically purchased one at a time but are offered in bulk in a box (like Egg Incubators and Premium Raid Passes), and items that are hardly or not at all available for purchase even outside of boxes (like Ultra Balls in the Community Day Box and Star Pieces). Of these three kinds of items, the second kind seems to be the most lucrative and is considered by many to be the heart of their respective boxes.

As to the question of which box(es) to buy, that depends on economy, value, space, and other related factors. If one is short on coins, then it may suffice just to buy the cheapest box. Since many regard the bulk individual items as the go-to items, they typically disregard the other items, or rather consider them bonuses; others may differ and regard any or all items as having value, so purchase decisions can be made based on these. Those that can make room for the items may purchase the greater boxes while those that can't may purchase the smaller ones. These are only but a few considerations that may concern the purchasing of boxes.

All the boxes, when they're available, contain lots of items which may help a Trainer's endeavors during special events. In that regard, Trainers should take advantage of them if and whenever possible. It is fully up to them to decide how to do so for the best results. Regardless, these boxes really are special by way of their timed appearances as a "helping hand" for those still progressing on their journeys in the world of Pokémon Go.

One year ago: There Is Only One Ball

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