Friday, June 1, 2018

Everyone's RPG vs. Hardcore RPG

The announcement of LGP/LGE two days ago was both revolutionary and shocking. It was revolutionary because it presented a new style for the Pokémon RPG, one that can appeal to everyone like Pokémon Go also appeals to everyone. It was also shocking because it seems like a total departure from how the main series games have progressed. And yet, it was reassured that another RPG is coming next year, which is most likely a member of the main series. This leads to a dichotomy of the Pokémon RPG, between one that everyone can play and one that the hardcore fans play.

Because of the dichotomy, an important concern is raised. The concern is that there may be some fans who wouldn't play this new-style RPG and are quick to judge those who only play it. While it is expected that fans who play the new-style RPG would be able to acclimatize to the point where they would be able to dive into the main series and expand their knowledge, there would also be fans who are only comfortable with the new style. In short, there would be those that like both and will play both, while there would also be those that remain in one camp or the other, and criticism from each other would arise out of these groups.

To this, I say things have changed. The main series Pokémon RPG is not what it was way back when, except for the core principles. It's akin to modern operating systems on PCs: it has many, many parts to keep track of and adjust so that it works out as well as it can be. That is indeed hardcore, and that can be a bit too much for some people. On the other hand, for the best of tinkerers, they can come up with great things, and thus there exists VGC, where those tinkerers can try (and retry) their skills, then rise to the top. It's an awesome thing, but then for any Pokémon fan, everything else is awesome as well.

In my view, there's no place for this criticism; things will change and continue to change. It's totally respectable that Pokémon is giving a simpler option for anyone who wants to dive into this great, big world. Even I as an old fan appreciate this gesture and see this as a great venue for everyone playing Pokémon. Who knows - perhaps in the future, there may be something similar to VGC for this new style of play, which to continue the culinary analogy from my most recent thoughts on VGC, would be like a state fair cook-off rather than a strict cooking challenge. That way, everyone can show their awesomeness as well.

With LGP/LGE, the dichotomy becomes evident, as these are games any fan can play, in comparison to the main series, which is at its greatest among the hardcore fans. I say any of these are welcome to any fan, whether a fan who wishes to rise to the heavens with the hardcore main series games or go down to earth with the new style of games. Wherever they are, Pokémon is surely to be enjoyed, whichever direction any fan leans to. And we're all in it together.

One year ago: (Self) References

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