Wednesday, June 27, 2018


A leader is someone or something that is followed in order to move forward. A leader is absolutely essential in many life matters, and they are as numerous as there are matters in life. The same could be said to be true for Pokémon as well, where many things in it are superficially similar to those of the real world. Being that they are so, it is then not hard to expect that there would be leaders as well. And there are, in various guises.

The most famous leaders that hail from Pokémon are of course Gym Leaders, the ones who are the bosses of their establishments where Trainers come to test their mettle and skills. They too are Trainers, but they're some of the best at what they specifically do and deal with. And through battling, they can also guide Trainers to do better when they lose or far better when they win, at least indirectly. They're leaders in every sense of the word, and that's saying something.

On a more outward side from the Pokémon world, the "generals" (in particular as related to Pokémon Go) that I discussed some time ago can also be considered leaders. I've elaborated on this on different occasions also, so they need not be mentioned again. What is important is that as long as they are in the capacity to guide others, then they are leaders. This capacity may arise naturally or from previous guidance, but this doesn't matter; as long as it guides others, then that is leadership by the leaders. It is up to the generals to use their capacity as they see fit.

Even Pokémon may have leaders of their own, especially when they are separated from care by people. These "leaders of the pack" can do things both like their animal brethren and like what people usually do. This is best illustrated in Mystery Dungeon and other games where Pokémon and not people are prominently featured. It's only fair that they do so, for they need to manage themselves and others however they can, based on their instincts. The Pokémon that manage to do so are rightfully leaders.

Leadership can be manifested in various ways, and this seems to be just as true for the Pokémon world as it is true for the real world. But that's a good thing for the people and the things that wish to advance or be advanced, because a leader can steer things in a certain direction to do so. It doesn't seem to matter which world one lives in - leaders and leadership are undoubtedly important and essential.

One year ago: A Little Dream

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