Friday, July 6, 2018

Pokémon Go 2nd Anniversary

Last year, I wrote about the first anniversary of Pokémon Go (see below). Back then, I wasn't able to play the game - or rather, was in-between plays - so I wrote about my experiences instead. Fast-forward one year to its second anniversary, and I'm not only back to playing the game, I've also advanced much further along the way, and have even written quite a bit about it on this blog. A lot has happened since then, and it's always worthwhile to recap things.

Perhaps the most successful feature added has been raids, although this one came just a little before that, and it's something that I've already discussed in greater depth. The addition of the third-generation Pokémon and Alola Forms is just as big as well and something important, thanks to the way that they radically expanded the game; weather too plays a part in that, even though it's something I haven't fully discussed. If new Gyms and raids were last year's "fledgling features", for this year's anniversary, that honor would belong to friends, gifts, and trading - it remains to be seen how far they'll advance the game. It might just very well be a lot.

Meanwhile, because I'm playing the game, now I'm aware of special things that are in place for this special time. What is certain currently is that Pikachu is in on the action with increased appearance, and with special accessories for it: a straw hat and sunglasses. Pichu and Raichu don't seem to be far behind as well. Pikachu-themed fashion is also available in the game's shop as well for those who wish to get lively with the occasion. And the good part is that things will last up until the end of this month, so there's plenty of time to take things in.

Speaking of taking things in, this occasion could be personally a bit more festive for me; there was a local Ex-Raid today, but I didn't qualify for one because I couldn't get a chance. It might have been for the better anyway, because the Ex-Raid was an evening one (6 PM) and by absolute coincidence, the night is also somewhat cold, so it was perhaps not so good to be out and about in the evening and into the night. Plus, the next couple of days are going to be busy considering what the game has in store, and many of my fellow players seem to be locking down for that.

Everything is still good. In last year's post, I was hoping that I'd re-encounter and play the game, and that has come true. It would then be expected, of course, that I write about it on this blog, but that's OK; this blog is about satisfying Pokémon experiences and telling people about them, and if some of those come from Go, then that's no problem. It's just as Pokémon as anything else that comes up on this blog. For an all-around fan like me, it's quite pleasing, and that's certainly true with all the things involved in this anniversary of this particular game.

Happy 2nd anniversary to Pokémon Go.

One year ago: Pokémon Go One-Year Anniversary

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