Monday, July 23, 2018

Pokémon Style Figure Sun & Moon 2 - Mimikyu

As I previously posted on this blog, yesterday I came to a gathering for local Pokémon figure collectors. Aside from coming away from a good meeting with great people who like Pokémon, I came away with a figure courtesy of the giveaway at the end of the meeting. I received a figure that was part of a set of four figures, though in the giveaway there were five, which meant that one in the giveaway was a duplicate. I initially received Primarina, but someone else got Mimikyu and wasn't fond of it and I was less fond of Primarina, so we agreed to trade. As it turns out, the Mimikyu figure isn't half bad.

What I love about this particular figure is that it appears dynamic. The inside part of Mimikyu appears to shoot up on its left and right, and this becomes a "motion" element. The way that it appears as well as its tail sticking out in the back, and to some extent the way its head is tilted, becomes elements of "balance". All these are accomplished although the figure has no movable or detachable parts of any kind, though the fact that its base is flat and wide also helps in this regard. I can see why this series might earn its "Style Figure" moniker.

The colors, as expected from any official figure, are accurate as well as appropriate. If they seem a little drab, that seems OK given the mysterious and spooky characteristic of Mimikyu. As for the size of this figure, it's only about as tall as my pinky finger, but what it lacks for in height, it makes up for in appearance. Again, this might be one thing that contributes to the name "Style Figure", and that's appreciable. This figure looks good from many angles, notwithstanding the fact that the photo above is taken from only one.

I have (mostly) no regrets about coming to yesterday's gathering, and I definitely have none about obtaining this figure, especially since it came as a result of a giveaway. As for the other three figures in the series, I might try to obtain them should I be presented with the opportunity. If they're as every bit as expressive as this one, then I'll be really pleased, as pleased as I am just to have Mimikyu.

One year ago: Cosplay in a Bag

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