Monday, March 11, 2019

Quantity and Quality

There is a bit of curiosity that occurs with this post. This would be my 800th overall post since I've started this blog. It's hard to believe, but it is. It almost equals the number of currently discovered Pokémon species, minus a few of the newest ones. In reference to their (possible) number, I've written a couple of posts about them. Of course, on the flip side of number - that is, quantity - there is also "quality" to consider. And I say, whether it comes to Pokémon species or the posts on this blog, both have some considerations.

In regard to Pokémon species, with each generation, there are always new species, sometimes even variations on old species (as with the Alola forms). There has to be the starters to begin with and the ultimate Legendary Pokémon, and everything in the gamut from "common" Pokémon (say, Gulpin) to exceptional ones (like Gible). "Quantity" is no problem there; "quality" is another thing. Over time, there have been Pokémon that are popular for one thing or another, while others are less so. Those things are the quality that makes them so, and as long as they are great, then the Pokémon will be great as well. Still, each deserves some respect for what they bring to the table, and none are intentionally downplayed for another.

The same is likewise true of my posts. Each tries to bring a Pokémon aspect to light as well as some personal aspects - that is, my own. Some will inevitably turn out better than others in the light of someone else, though this is not what I intentionally and personally do; it would just happen to be the case due to certain qualities. As for quantity, the title of this blog makes it clear that day-to-day things are involved, so it would be natural if I make a post each day, especially as I've hinted in my very first post here. And true to that, I've still posted each day every day to this day. I could have posted much less, for instance every other day, but then some posts would still stand out more than others.

A famous writer once said, in response to a critic saying that many of the writer's books are bad, that the writer wasn't purposefully making a great number of bad books. That would be an accomplishment that is sure not intended to happen. The same is true of my posts on this blog and Pokémon species in general. None are truly "bad" or intentionally made to be as such, but prevailing attitudes and game mechanisms may make them so. In the end, my posts and Pokémon species still have reliance on both quantity and quality to certain extents, with the two being inseparable.

One year ago: Cosplay: Daisuki! Japan Fest 2018
Two years ago: Have You Seen My Childhood?

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