Thursday, March 5, 2020

Hope For Problematic Pokémon Fans

In the most recent times, I've discovered that some Pokémon fans have been experiencing some problems of their own. We - I speaking on behalf of others - are a diverse lot aside from our interest in Pokémon, and that can mean different things for different people. Unfortunately, that can mean diverse and different problems as well, and seems to be the case for the problems I've observed recently for a number of fans, even including myself. It's a difficult thing, yet there may be a single form of relief for it.

Some fans have indicated that they are in an underfunded state for Pokémon goods, including things that support the playing of the games. I have to admit that I myself could be said to be in this case as I still haven't procured a Nintendo Switch, let alone the games necessary for play on it. Meanwhile, a few of my Go fellows are wracking their brains whether to save vital items for the events this month (more to come later) or to go for anything convenient, especially with not a lot of hard-earned coins that may or may not have been purchased. Either case could be said to be a state of being underfunded.

In a different case, some fans seem to be rather overconfident or boastful - they seem to like being pompous about their successes without regard of who else might be exposed to this, affecting them negatively. Worse yet, they seem to enjoy the good company of others who have the same nature, which only amplifies the negativity. Readers of this blog might find this nothing new, as this is one of the factors that played a part in a certain happening just over a month ago, and it also became something that I've been a reluctant witness to in further occasions in the past month. It does not seem to be a good thing in any way.

If the first is bad and the second is worse, there seems to be an even worse (or even, the worst) problem. It may be that some fans are "lost among others" in that they became misled by happenings, which leads to others being misled as well. Meanwhile, others who do not want to be misled instead find it hard to get a hold of those who can speak wisely and objectively about things. It becomes regrettable that those in the former group become closed to discussion, almost becoming an extension of the second problem above. And though I'm rather distanced from the actual happenings of the problem, it becomes my concern, as this involves my fellow fans.

The relief for all of these problems appears to be hope. There should be the hope that for the first problem, financial woes can be resolved so that fans can get right to playing as needed. For the second, the hope is that the fans who are pompous can realize that their position may not be all it's cracked up to be, especially considering others in different positions. The third problem may be the most difficult because the hope is scarce, but there is still a couple regardless: for those who are misled to find their way back and for those who are lost in thought to find peace through good advice from good Pokémon fans. These are all hopes that ought to be realized somehow through good actions.

I'm certain that I and others as Pokémon fans seek an outlet for fun, perhaps in addition to a way to express creativity and to get something out of life. And I'm sure that none of that means having more (of the same) problems from life with it. Yet all of the above problems have happened, which is truly a cause for concern and especially for this fan. The next course of action seems to be to have and realize hopes for relief of the problems so that one may be rid of them and can enjoy Pokémon as intended: free of problems.

One year ago: A Gold and Silver Postcard
Two years ago: Being a Pokétaku
Three years ago: I'm Swept Away

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