Tuesday, March 5, 2019

A Gold and Silver Postcard

Along with the Mew pouch that I obtained from Sunday's convention, I had the liberty - a small liberty, but one nonetheless - to obtain another piece of merchandise, and I chose a certain one that is rather simple but effective in communicating Pokémon sentiments. It's a postcard, which might seem like a piece of merchandise that is too simple and not so spectacular, and yet, it's not as simple as that.

This postcard depicts the three main Trainers of the second-generation games, in particular Gold and Silver. From left to right are the rival, the male protagonist, and the female protagonist. They're also accompanied by evolved versions of their starter Pokémon, being Croconaw, Quilava, and Bayleef respectively. They're set against a background of the sea and the sky, with grass in the foreground. Further, the three Trainers appear to be moving or running towards the left side. This is very well done for a fan art, and it's quite detailed too.

The combination of all these elements creates a very dynamic and lively image, which I rather like. This is especially true if I can get only one, which happened to be the case. There were some very neat images on all of the other postcards that were offered, but some of them are complementary, which might have necessitated me getting more than one. But since that wasn't the case, I chose this one as something representative of all those postcards. That said, perhaps this postcard is best not used as one, and may be better used to display the image.

Regardless of the circumstances that surrounded the postcard when I obtained it, this remains an exceptional piece of Pokémon merchandise. The postcard by itself is simple and detailed. And by that alone, it seems quite representative enough for this kind of merchandise as offered. I exercised my liberty to get this one, and it's certainly something I will do again with similar Pokémon merchandise.

One year ago: Being a Pokétaku
Two years ago: I'm Swept Away

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