Saturday, May 9, 2020

Playing Pokémon All Day

Pokémon is a major franchise with major games. As with any similar franchises with major games, the games may take a significant effort to play, perhaps even becoming all-day affairs. This possibility of playing the games all day is intriguing and becomes something that demands to be discussed, specifically by me as a fervent player, blogger, and fan in general. It is especially pertinent to my current daily experiences with all the games of the franchise.

The prospect of being able to spend all day playing the games is at a glance an exciting one. It would sound attractive to just about any player, especially I myself. At the same time, given the (other) things that one may do, it may not be exactly doable, at least in the strictest sense. For this post, if it is assumed that one would play for eight or more hours, then that would be considered "playing all day". This is an amount of time that may or may not be achievable for any one player.

In the past, on some days, it would have been possible for me to get fairly close to that eight-hour assumption of playing all day, though obviously I never bothered to clock my playing time to find out for sure. What I'm certain is that despite my other activities, I can at least squeeze in periodic times to play, and the total play time would be close to that eight hours. That could be regarded as a neat achievement with those circumstances, something that helped to cement my interest in Pokémon.

At present, my schedule of activities have gotten more packed and I don't always possess the capacity to play all day according to the assumption. Strangely enough, even with that reduced capacity, when the opportunity comes to be able to play all day, my play time might be spent nearly all at once with a few extra moments, or in major chunks of time. Likewise, I can get close to and sometimes beyond the eight-hour assumption even though I don't precisely measure my playing time. The achievement seems to remain, which is significant.

In the future, as my activities become uncertain and/or even more packed, this may not leave room to be able to play all day on as many days as before. Moreover, I have not achieved the goals that I set out to achieve for this blog. If the achievement of those goals were to occur, then I could conceivably keep playing and fulfill that eight-hour assumption just as before, especially with this blog in tow. I still have faith that those goals may just be achieved, which is why I have continued to pursue activities on this blog.

By now, it is undeniable that Pokémon has gotten and will continue to be big. The same is likely true of all its games. That seems to leave lots of room for the possibility of players being able to play the games for much of the hours of a day. Players who are as fervent as I am may be able to welcome that and be able to realize that possibility somehow even with everything that we do.

Two years ago: A Place for VGC
Three years ago: Blue and Yellow Philosophy

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