Saturday, May 30, 2020

Team Rocket, Minus Motto

For those who have gotten acquainted with the Pokémon anime, the entry of the Team Rocket trio is a characteristic part of many episodes. The part where they recite the motto is something that is essential... or maybe that's what it seems. For some people, it may be that they can get by without the recitation of said motto. This might seem like a controversial idea, but it might be one that merits certain considerations for the situation.

After watching most of the latter episodes of the recent local dub of the Alola saga of the Pokémon anime, something became rather apparent. After they make their presence known, there was a jarring transition to the actual confrontation, which indicates that something was cut. Given the typical progression of the Team Rocket introduction, that something that was cut was likely the motto. The broadcasters might have deemed that the motto ate up time and/or too gaudy even for the children watching (the target audience), and therefore it was cut. For those who enjoy, however, it may be noticeably strange.

I myself have my own history with the motto. In the early days of watching the anime, I felt entertained by it. However, for some time afterwards, I felt less entertained and became averse to it, avoiding the motto recitation any way I can. This lasted for a good bit of time until at some point I just became indifferent to the motto, feeling "meh" about it - for lack of a better term - and this continues to today. I may be luckier than some people who felt the way I did but never recovered. In any case I may consider myself to still enjoy it, though to a moderate amount, which is better than not.

As stated, this seems controversial. Why would one cut or become averse to a hallmark of some infamous characters? The answer may be that it's blatant - blatantly repetitive, that is. The way the motto is, it remains constant over a long period of episodes, and as with anything repetitive, it may have the potential to aggravate, which can be said to have happened to me over that period of time when I avoided the motto. Further, the motto belongs to the antagonists, which means that it is not to be believed to be true; history has proven that even the untrue can become "true" with enough repetition.

The Team Rocket motto and its recitation is forever identifiable with the Team Rocket trio in the Pokémon anime. And yet, it may be that identifiable quality that may make some turn away from it, whether for a short or long term. One may still enjoy the Pokémon anime regardless, whether or not one misses this characteristic part. There may just be a reason why some choose to "surrender the motto" while they still "prepare to fight".

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