Saturday, June 20, 2020

Pokémon Go Community Day, 6/20/2020

In last month's Community Day, I noted that voting also took place then for what should become the featured Pokémon for the next two editions, which would be this month and the next, consisting of the winner for this month and the runner-up for the next. I also mentioned that I would discuss the details at a later time, and what would be better than on the day itself. The voting was different, taking place on Twitter (unlike for February, where the number of completed Field Research tasks from the prior month became the vote counts) and I must say, the experience was decidedly different as well this month.

The winner of the voting last month was Weedle, one of the common Bug-type Pokémon from the first generation. Its special move for the final evolutionary stage of Beedrill, declared as part of its candidacy, is the Ground-type Drill Run as a Charged move. Though it wouldn't fit a STAB framework, it may be useful in some Great League settings, which would explain why many Trainers made the choice upon Beedrill (all the more reason with Mega Evolution incoming, though it wasn't known at the time). The bonus this time is triple Stardust, which temporarily replaces a double Stardust bonus of an ongoing event - more later - and not doubly concurrent as many players thought it would be; it is still a pretty nice and advantageous bonus nonetheless.

As has been the case during these times, this Community Day remains a Play at Home edition (though that of course does not stop one from playing outside if possible or the need arises). That means the changed-up bonuses from last time also apply, which means even more freedom to experience Community Day in different ways. There is one stark difference, however: this time, there is no additional paid Special Research, the first since this innovation was planned to be introduced in March though ultimately executed in April. That means the bonuses from this are absent, and one would need to furnish them on one's own. Yet if the point is to enjoy Community Day no matter what, one should be able to make do even without them.

I had a bit of an errand this morning, so I used the opportunity to get in some Community Day time outside in my local area, just like last time, in addition to helping out my Buddy Pokémon. This is OK if permissible, but one should always be aware of local conditions, as if the primary warning isn't already evident. The rest of the event was spent within the comforts of my home or at least the immediate surrounding area. With some crafty captures and usage of items, I was able to catch a good number of Weedle, doubling my already-extensive Candy stock and increasing my Stardust amount. Among those Weedle, approximately 15 were Shiny; I say "approximately" since I had to transfer a few due to space considerations. I also evolved the same composition of Weedle as for Seedot, as I wanted to keep my options open with my stock. 

Weedle is only a common Bug Pokémon of the first generation; it appears frequently, thus my extensive Candy stock. Yet the Trainers who voted for it must have recognized its perks, especially with the special move for Beedrill being declared as part of its candidacy. It opens another moveset option and can stand to be a surprise in future PvP challenges, whether it's the official Go Battle League or the community-based Silph League Arena. Thanks to this month's edition, everyone can stand to have at least one, which means that everyone has to know that others may have one as well and to prepare for the potential surprise that it may bring. 

As for next month's Community Day fodder as the runner-up candidate, it's already well-known in more ways than one, including for this purpose, but I'll take care of it next month during its time. This time for Community Day was to revel in the winner of the voting for the event and the benefits that it may bring. It is true that some things may have been different this time compared to the past couple of months, but they all have proven that the spirit is the same even with the detachment that these times have for the experience. That shouldn't be a disappointment for those who expect great things for the event and from the prospective Pokémon for them.

One year ago: Thematic Battles
Three years ago: Pokémon Exclusivity

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