Monday, October 8, 2018

A Poké Ball Keychain

Yesterday's event or convention can be thought of as "lucky", for some people or others. In some ways, I could be considered lucky as well, especially after having obtained a piece of Pokémon merchandise, which I'm about to discuss in this post. It too is rather cheap, though like with anything cheap, you do seem to get what you pay for, for reasons that will become apparent. But it is still good to examine the merchandise and note down its details in the hope that it is useful.

While this piece of merchandise is indeed advertised as a keychain, it seems it may be a little too large for that; I would never dream of carrying something as large as this with my keys because it would be a bit unwieldy. It seems it may be better to re-brand this as a "hanging ornament", for which it resembles. In that sense, I would then put it on my bag, as an example of a usage scenario, which someone else demonstrated for a similar-sized item. Its proportions also seem a bit off; from the top and the front, it looks round, but from the sides, it looks elliptical. As well, the black stripe and button seems to be a bit massive for its size.

But it's not all bad. The colors are highly accurate and make it pleasing in appearance. The ball itself is well-crafted, even with materials that I myself would make Poké Balls out of; the inside seems to be a bit firm, but I rather like it this way. The chain itself also looks sturdy, which supports the above usage scenario. In some sense, except for the concerns I've mentioned above, it's a bit simple and understated. It's something I would make given the right tools and time, and certainly the right materials would also help.

All told, this Poké Ball acting as a keychain has its share of pluses and minuses, seemingly tending toward the latter. But it's still a good one in some aspects, and I'll accept it for that reason. It is what it is, and I can't hope to say anything more about it. At the least, I'm lucky to review it, so that this may lead to better merchandise in the future, and may lead me on the lookout for such.

One year ago: Cosplay: Kisetsu no Matsuri

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