Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Pokémon Go Event Rollup, 1/31/2024

Today is the last day of the month, so I have to get the event rollup for Pokémon Go going. One thing that's remarkable about the events this month - most of them anyway - is that they last for however long they last, and then are followed by roughly three "off" days with regular seasonal Pokémon appearances. That's unique because it does give a chance for Trainers to relax. Yet events are still the mainstay of many days here, so those are to be gotten through and then covered in this rollup.

As usual, a new year kicks off with the New Year's event, which in this case ran from January 1 to 3. New this year was a costumed Jigglypuff family; it joined Hoothoot from past years as well as Darumaka and Bronzor in the wild (which was also featured in Field Research), while hat-costumed Pokémon from past years appeared in raids and a bevy of baby Pokémon appeared in 7 km Eggs. Bonuses involved Egg hatches: half as normal and quarter for three Eggs with the hatch widget. Extra bonuses came in the form of a new fashion item, a special bundle, and paid Timed Research, and fireworks in the overworld sky added ambiance. The event was a fine start to the new year.

Brightness then came after the first "off" period with the Lustrous Odyssey event from January 6 to 10. Specifically, it involved times of day, as this event marked the debut of Dusk Form Lycanroc, which could be evolved from Rockruff obtained during the event - from raids, Eggs (2 km, 7 km, and Adventure Sync), and Field Research. A few other rocky and/or jaded Pokémon, including some Hisuian forms, joined in the wild, raids, and Field Research, while the seasonal Special Research continued. Bonuses took the form of Buddy bonuses: more souvenirs and presents, and longer appearances. Bundles from the web shop and in the in-game shop also complemented the event. While the "brightness" or "luster" could be said to be limited, at least a few things did gleam.

More brightness was also present in the Dazzling Dream event from January 13 to 16. This time, the brightness came from Fairy-type Pokémon, which were abundant in the wild, 7 km Eggs, and Field Research (along with Mega Energy for certain species). A Collection Challenge was also prompted with hatching the Pokémon from those 7 km Eggs, which might have been much for some. Brightness was also present as bonuses of double Stardust catch and hatch, along with a paid Timed Research and a new fashion item. It was also during this time that the Hisuian Typhlosion Raid Day occurred on January 14, proceeding in much the same way as the previous Hisuian form (Samurott) to get its Raid Day back in December, with the usual bonuses plus a paid ticket for extra bonuses. There was some "shade",  but the main event and the side event still did deliver at least some brightness.

For those who like battling, there was the Raging Battles event and its associated Go Battle Week from January 19 to 24. This event also marked the debut of Annihilape, Primeape's evolution from Paldea. A few fight-capable (including Throh and Sawk in all regions) and darkness-bringing Pokémon came in the wild and raids, while Mankey was featured in Field Research; they were also part of Collection Challenges with rewards useful for battling. Meanwhile, Team Go Rocket provided a challenge of their own by appearing more often for battles. As for Go Battle Week, there were double the number of battle sets each day, increased Stardust rewards, all leagues available, and free and paid Timed Research with even more useful rewards. The battling action was definitely there in one (preferable) form or another.

Capping off the month was the Taken Treasures event that started on January 27 and will end on February 1. Essentially, the event is a Team Go Rocket takeover, and it has all the usual components: more frequent appearances, Shadow Pokémon turnover, a Special Research (by way of the continued seasonal one), and usage of Charged TMs to forget Frustration. New this time, in addition to other Shadow forms, are Shadow Kyogre (through battling Giovanni when encountered), Shadow Ho-Oh (through a Raid Weekend on January 27 and 28), and the Varoom family (through 12 km "Strange" Eggs). Raids and their Shadow counterparts have an assortment of "darker" forms - including some regional ones - as does Field Research. The rest of the components are complementary showcases, web shop and in-game shop bundles, and yet another paid Timed Research. All this made an intense end to the month.

In essence, Trainers were "put through the paces" throughout this month with all the events and their elements, plus the "off" periods between all of them. Both are certainly needed, as well as determining which events - and their parts - Trainers should go for. As stated, events are still the main things to go for, and that's something that's not going to change, even though they themselves always do and will prompt the same reaction from Trainers.

Three years ago: Zorua in Mareep Clothing
Five years ago: The Magic of 25
Seven years ago: It's Been a Month...

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

The (In)Visibility of Pokémon (and Myself)

I've been putting quite a bit of effort into this blog for many years, in a way to make myself "visible" through what I love most - Pokémon and certainly languages, specifically writing. That effort could be said to have come up with mixed results, but then so it seems that Pokémon has a bit of mixed "visibility" of its own. I've been prompted to think about it, and it seems fitting to take a post to consider that "visibility" (or the "invisibility" otherwise).

Certainly, this could tie into the issue of popularity, for which I had written a post many years ago - specifically in the first year of this blog. What I said back then still applies today, with the addition of two new generations as well as many new Pokémon, all with quirks of their own. That popularity can afford it a certain visibility, although this also could be said to depend on a myriad of other factors like people and places.

For fans in major Nintendo settings, Pokémon is indeed quite visible, even if the legions of fans may not be so at a glance. For fans of Japanese pop culture (which I loath to use the "w" word for), it might appear to be somewhat less so, as other facets may be considered to have greater visibility. And then there are mixes of either kind of people in places like where I am right now, which certainly would also appear to lead to mixed results.

As for myself, I'm already "visible" with some Pokémon involvement in some respects outside of this blog, but this blog itself hasn't really made me as such with greater and more specific Pokémon involvement. It's almost as if the "visibility" remains restricted somehow, including in ways that I didn't expect or mean to do so. The Pokémon element might be more visible, even if I myself am less as such.

Granted, there's a lot of subjectivity for this topic as it pertains to both myself and Pokémon, or the two in combination. In the end, it might be hard to say whether there is "visibility" or "invisibility" based on what has transpired, even with given evidence for one or the other. Yet I'm evidently still here for some time, and so is Pokémon, and if only for that reason, we still need to take some strides to make sure we're visible somehow.

Four years ago: Bringing It Home
Five years ago: Three TCG Booster Packs
Seven years ago: Always 21 - Memories of 21

Monday, January 29, 2024

The State of Nominations, Part 26

While my Pokémon Go progress in different aspects go on, so does my progress in making nominations for PokéStops wherever they could stand to be present. It's a natural process for me, as I try to take advantage of all aspects of Pokémon Go to assist my play, and in this case, assist others through what gets through. Based on what has transpired thus far, I might be able to say that I've been able to help myself aplenty with the results of my nominations, and others can take advantage of that as well. That should also be reflected in the update for the nomination process and what that entails.

To put that into perspective, as is the norm for this post, I have the numbers. At present, I have 118 Accepted nominations (an increase of 1) and 66 Not Accepted nominations (an increase of 2); something that could contribute to this is that prior to my recent nominations, all previous ones had been decided, so there wasn't much progress - which also goes for the Duplicate nominations still at 11. Interestingly, the increase of 1 came just as I was writing this post, with an appeal that was decided to be Accepted, so it would have been 0 otherwise. All my current nominations, 10 presently, are in the In Queue state and none have yet to become In Voting, though this might change very soon; this is a matter that also needs to be remarked.

Since the "downtime", I've also tried to pace myself in making nominations. Instead of making as many as possible on a single day, furthermore after I've collected the requisite two photos, now I make only two or three at a time on one day. If I have a lot of nominations, this effectively spreads them out over several days; this is exactly what happened with the 10 present nominations above, being made over a stretch of five days. This is also to avoid the Wayfarer system falsely detecting errant behavior on my part where there is none, which some users might have experienced, resulting in undesirable effects to Wayfarer or Pokémon Go (or both. It also goes for any nomination I can stand to make.

For that last point, I have the plan to make a few renominations of those that were previously rejected, as waiting for an Appeal to become available is becoming rather prohibitive - that is, it takes a long time, perhaps a little too long. Thus, these renominations are in a way still necessary, especially for nominations that have aspects that I don't want to be considered in the Appeal, such as potentially faulty photos or flawed titles or descriptions. Then, there are still points of interest that I've identified and would like to put in as nominations, so this remains the brunt of nominations now and in the closely approaching future.

Much has evidently been made in the nomination process by me and much still remains to be made. It is thus fitting that I've been updating the status of this progress on a bimonthly basis for some time now, and that can be expected within a similar timeframe ahead. The main thing is, of course, still the "assistance" part of it, whether it's for myself or for others, and that's also what I have to determine within the process and its twists and turns, in turn likely also determining my progress (and others') in the game. 

One year ago: Cosplay: Utsuru 7.5
Four years ago: Expecting the Contrary
Five years ago: Color Me (Shiny) Groudon
Seven years ago: Fire Power!

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Cosplay: "Mobile Japan Fest"

Me: OK, so this is the first time I'm sending Ash somewhere out of after the fact - specifically on my end.

Ash: Yeah! See, I'll still be there for you.

Pikachu: Pika! ["Same here!"]

Goh: So will I, for our friend.

Me: That's settled. OK, this one may be somewhat different than normal but also very similar.

Goh: It's a Japanese festival - but it's mobile?

Me: Uh-huh. But the place that it's held in should be familiar.

Ash: It's the same as place as that food festival! But it's inside the mall now.

Goh: Oh, so no food festival?

Ash: There were a few food stands, but it wasn't about them. There was a lot of merchandise too.

Me: No, you're right. So this is their version of the festival, but with less of the food aspect and more of the pop culture aspect. But the organizer is the same.

Goh: I guess that explains it.

Me: And it's not the first time. They also had it last week and two weeks ago, even in malls far away - and this very mall.

Goh: Why didn't you send Ash back then?

Me: Oh, I had something else to do, some of which stopped me from doing so. And besides, I'm trying to keep things manageable.

Ash: That's fine, I understand. You've become a lot more busy, it seems like.

Me: That's part of it. OK, we're kind of on the run, so let's go through the stuff. I also sent you to try to see if you can raid for Shadow Ho-Oh somewhere near the place. Did that happen?

Goh: Shadow Ho-Oh??

Pikachu: Pika chu pika. ["See it to believe."]

Me: You betcha. Anyway...

Ash: I got two with your friends. They weren't that great and they weren't Shiny either.

Me: I raided a few last night and didn't have great luck. So the next time it comes around things could be better.

Goh: So, what about the festival itself?

Ash: It was just like in the past. A karaoke challenge, a couple of dance groups, and the character parade.

Goh: OK, same deal as before. And our friend definitely wanted you in the character parade.

Me: Indeed, and I set you up with your Hoenn outfit. It's a part of what makes "us" "legendary". And maybe it could be used for another festival or convention soon enough.

Ash: Thanks! I just did what I usually would do on stage. It's really helpful that we go things planned out this time.

Goh: You mean it wasn't always planned out?

Ash: Well, not to the small details. But our friend this time got it right down.

Me: Thank you. That's something different.

Ash: There was something different too: the judge was late.

Goh: Don't they have to be early usually?

Ash: Maybe it was the weather outside? It kept raining off and on, so maybe the judge couldn't get to the place on time.

Pikachu: Pi pika pika? ["It's strange, no?"]

Goh: Yeah, but even so...

Me: That is kind of a stickler. This time we got things planned out but the judge may not have.

Goh: Well, what did you get?

Ash: Nothing. The three winners out of 25 seemed like characters other people know better - and I think we know the people too.

Me: Oh. I could've seen that coming a mile away too.

Goh: What else happened?

Ash: There was a dance-off at the end... but I got told that it was going to be for two hours, and I really needed to get back to our friend.

Me: Yeah, that wasn't going to happen on our watch. Good call.

Goh: I guess not much was different.

Ash: Maybe we could have gotten something good on the ones before? But our friend was busy, so maybe we wouldn't know.

Me: Right. Whatever happens, happens.

Goh: And things will still happen for us. Even if it's like this.

Ash: Of course they will. And we'll spend time out of our journeys for you for this, and even just to talk.

Pikachu: Pika pika. ["That's true."]

Me: Thanks again to you, and we'll see if we can make things different even if they're basically the same, just like with this one.

One year ago: Pokémon Is Magic

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Your Journey - A Poem

Throughout the time that I've had this blog, I've only written in it in essay or prosaic format due to the demands of this blog, as is with most blogs out there. For the case of the "finale coverage", however, I'd like to do something different; I want to write a poem instead, as a bit of a creative detour while still being somewhat focused on the objectives of this blog. The form is free verse, as it is to be more reflective of my natural thoughts regarding what has happened in the Pokémon anime now and in all prior times.

So, here goes:

It's been so many years
And this is where the journey goes
An ending, a passing
Something that had to come eventually
You were here, you were there
You were everywhere
Now you're somewhere
Still pursuing the master goal
Maybe seen, maybe not
But to see you all these years
That's the most wonderful thing
You who have went from a humble start
To achieve the spectacular
You who have met with many friends
And parted with many more
You who have hit problems along the way
But then found solutions for them
And all this, in the places you visited
Then visited again
Before the spectacular happened
And the world rejoiced
It's been fun to see the world with you
It's great to see you fill my life and others'
It's even been an honor to be inspired by you
Life won't be the same with your absence
You and your yellow fluffy pal
But your presence may still be felt
Now wherever you go
Things only have to get better
Even if I - or we - won't see it
But if you do decide to return
I'm sure there will be much joy
Good things will still come
No matter how and what
Only that is certain
What's certain right now
Is to thank you for all these years
And to thank you once more
For now
Somewhere under that distant blue sky
Your adventure awaits
And your journey goes on
The end is only the beginning
The beginning... for a true master.

This also marks the end of my "finale coverage" and a return to discussions of other Pokémon things that still need to be made or are waiting their turn. Of course, as I've said, Ash (and Goh) will still likely pop up here every now and then, for our journeys go on and on.

Such is something to be counted on. And this blog's journey continues now.

Four years ago: Spinning Like a Spinda
Five years ago: The Cards, Revisited
Six years ago: Changes
Seven years ago: A Loss Is... A Loss?

Friday, January 26, 2024

Towards the Sunny Horizon

The tears that we will shed
Flow along with the moments where we will laugh
Now and forevermore
We will go on and never stop
Chasing the sun
-- "Mengejar Matahari (Chasing the Sun)", Ari Lasso (adaptive lyrical translation)

After the previous four "musical tributes" for the "finale coverage", it's time to wrap things up, at least for now, with one more of these "tributes". This time, I've chosen a local song - local as in, where I am right now - in order to represent some local sentiments as well, as Pokémon is also big here, or at the least becoming bigger with time. Even so, as with some earlier times where I've quoted a local song, I've provided a translation of it as best as possible but also as creative as possible, in this case so non-local audiences can also sing along; here, it's the chorus of the song with its title.

The song itself, though, is a bit of a wonder. It shares its title with a movie (also local) about coming-of-age, and is in fact the theme song for that movie; I've never seen the movie, as it's from a time a little beyond my local dealings, but some of the movie is used in the official music video for it. Most importantly, though, the lyrics of the song tell about valiant people who are tackling life head-on, searching for the meaning of love, never letting anything break relationships, and putting everything together - yes, even laughter and tears - while still pursuing that golden orb in the sky into each passing new day and wherever it is they may go. That's a lot of themes, even for a song that's not lyrically dense but still of a decent length.

Of course, all of those themes tie into the last salvo of the Pokémon anime with Ash. He and Goh may be considered two of those valiant people, and the rest would be other Pokémon Trainers. All of them would do as the song suggests, albeit most likely with some differences according to their specific interests - battling, breeding, researching, and more. Certainly, the "go on and never stop" part will speak to the continuity of their journeys, in particular the one of Ash as the relevant character of the moment. 

Interestingly, as a side note, the related coming-of-age movie to this song can be seen to feature prominently four characters, specifically boys... not walking on a railroad as the TV in Pallet Town might suggest, but it's close enough. Thus, the movie and this song could be a Pokémon adjunct as well, perhaps in a parallel universe that's not too distant.

Now it's getting close to the time where I should wrap up this "finale coverage" and move on to discussing other Pokémon things, something that also continues as Ash's journey continues at least in spirit if not visually. What is visual, however, is him, Goh, and other Trainers making their way wherever the sun goes - perhaps also to the next horizon. The local song seems to be such a proper and fitting "tribute" to that situation, now and ever.

Three years ago: Unity Power
Four years ago: Cosplay: Aishiteru Minna
Five years ago: SwitchCon

Thursday, January 25, 2024

In a (Pokémon) World Like This

In a world like this where some back down
I, I know we're gonna make it
In a time like this where love comes 'round
I, I know we gotta take it
In a world like this where people fall apart
In a time like this where nothing comes from the heart
In a world like this, I've got you
-- "In a World Like This", Backstreet Boys 

I've made a few "musical tributes" for my "finale coverage" and I've got a couple more, at least for now and for the purpose of the coverage. I've made use of a song from a musical, a song from a different series, and an instrumental music, so now it's time for something a little more mainstream and general with a pop sound to it. The song I've quoted above checks all those boxes, in addition to bringing reminders of the last salvo of Ash in the anime, so it's perfect as one of those "musical tributes".

This number from this rather old boy band is about a decade old at this point and as is typical of the band's other songs, tells about love - particularly, about a special someone that still remains an inspiration even with changing times and places, not necessarily for the better. It was recorded at a point after one of the band's members rejoined after having taken a hiatus due to certain problems, so that too could be considered a part of the inspiration. It's a moving yet hopeful song in a way.

With that, the "tribute" of this song is directed to Ash, who for many Pokémon fans - obviously including me - might be able to be considered that person. In turn, Trainers like Ash might direct this song at the Pokémon they have and had over all these years, which might share that inspiring quality just like any person in any relationship. Further, it could also be directed back to the fans who have kept up with Pokémon all this time, even after over a quarter century of it going strong - just like the boy band, who is a little older than Pokémon.

As a note, the boy band is as such even today, a rarity for this kind of artist. They say that for as long there's music, they'll be there; there are parallels of this statement with Ash's continuing journey, even if that may not be heard again. The music video of this song also features references to three historical moments that might be a test of whoever one is inspired by. Pokémon fans could fill this in with their Pokémon moments, especially from the anime, that might construe a similar test for whoever it is related to Pokémon they're inspired by.

Seeing the world of today, especially after the parting of Ash from the anime, might make things a little somber. Yet with someone or something special - maybe related to Pokémon - there may just be a reason to go on, and that's what this song is about essentially. It is thus a fitting "musical tribute" for this "finale coverage", or for that matter, any time and place when and where Pokémon is relevant. Even in a (Pokémon) world like this, having something or someone special might just make all the difference for getting on with life.

Seven years ago: Keychains!

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Forever in the Palms of Our Hands

Something that I consider to have shaped the entire last saga with Ash, besides the entry of Goh, is the way that the latter has stated his achievement of future goals, which would lie in the palm of his hand. Ash even agreed with this in one episode and followed his lead. This was essentially a theme for the entire saga up until Goh accomplished the achievement, in a way - I don't want to say more than that and I encourage fans to find out for themselves. Even with the saga having concluded and Goh (and Ash) now being somewhere else, I still think highly of this and would even say that it's "forever" for me and practically any Pokémon fan. So, this becomes the next topic in my "finale coverage".

For most people anyway, their hands are what bring about changes in the world and in life, and most likely in Pokémon affairs as well. They make the changes, and then they they may potentially receive those changes, sometimes even immediately after the fact. It is thus an important aspect related to those changes. Philosophically, it is understandable why Goh keeps saying this, from the beginning to the end, because it is very much true, now and in the times ahead, with or without Goh, and for both Pokémon fantasy and reality. With that in mind, it really is "forever" as far as things are concerned.

This matter also leads to the third "musical tribute". The "forever" aspect of this brings up a piece of music that also has "forever" in the title - "Forever in Love", an instrumental by saxophonist Kenny G. It doesn't have any lyrics (obviously), but it almost seems like it could have them, and that may be why it's also sometimes referred to as a song. Particularly, the word "forever" seems to resonate in the melody, in the same way that Goh's life statement also keeps on resonating for him, and indeed even Ash.

Another "forever" aspect of the music is its associated music video, which depicts people growing old, but still remaining as they are - thus, "forever". With the way things are for Ash and Goh after they no longer appear in the anime, at least from a spiritual standpoint, the "forever" aspect also applies, and thus the song may also be considered to be a poignant reminder of the times that had been, and will be spiritually.

While many things in life are fleeting, Goh may have always had the right idea in mind, that the future will be (and is) in the palm of his hand - and from the looks of things, this would indeed be "forever". Coupled with an appropriate musical accompaniment, I'd say that it's a nice universal sentiment to have for anyone with Pokémon on their minds, like me.

Two years ago: The Sinnoh Cup of GBL

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Our Sails Are Set - We've Come Home

I've always been taught to be brave and strong
To see the hope when all feels wrong
I've always been taught not to be afraid
And look the price, the price I paid
I'm barely afloat -
My sails are set and I'm coming home
I'm barely afloat -
My sails are set, I'm coming home
-- "My Sails Are Set", Aurora

The next "musical tribute" in my "finale coverage" is one that may be considered to "come from the left field". For those into Japanese fandoms (of which Pokémon can be considered one), a major one last year received a live-action treatment that turned out to be rather successful; there is an obvious mention of this elsewhere on this blog, but that's for readers to figure out. That live-action treatment also resulted in this song, which plays during the credits of the finale of its currently only available season. And... I'm "borrowing" that song for the purpose of this "musical tribute".

Now, this song is essentially a vocal and extended version of the thematic motif of one of its characters, for which the actress who plays this role also has been mentioned elsewhere on this blog - again, that's for readers to figure out. The song can be described as an illustration of the character's journey over this and potential future seasons, while the part of the song that I've chosen to quote is the song's chorus - specifically the last one, which ends the song on a high note. Overall, it's also related to maps, sailing, and navigation, all related to the character as well as the series in general.

For this "musical tribute", I'm taking another perspective: the song could spiritually (even if not literally) describe the journey of Pikachu, which started out when it was still a Pichu, something that was actually illustrated all the way at the beginning of the "World saga". As fans know, it was then introduced to Ash, and the rest was history. In the process of that "history", Ash could also be tied to the second verse of this song, for which the last two lines could fit perfectly (And when I conquer it all / Will you still be my friend?). This then proceeds to their ultimate challenge, for which the results should now be well-known.

With the resolution of that challenge, the main premise of the chorus becomes fulfilled - their sails are now set, and even Pikachu was "barely afloat" during that resolution; I'll let viewers fill in the details. After that point, eventually the homecoming also happened, even as a brief one before the journey continues again for the pair. Spiritually, though, this final appearance can also be considered a "homecoming" since it's no longer "out there". Here I should also note that the song's appearance in the other series is followed by the main theme motif of that series; for Pokémon, it could instead have a few notes from "Pokémon Theme".

Many years have passed since the Pokémon anime first appeared, along with Ash himself. For some, it may have been unthinkable to get to this point of parting with Ash, but it has happened regardless. The sails are (or were) set for Ash and Pikachu, and they had to weather their most tumultuous journey yet before finally being able to say that they are coming home in a celebrated manner - and they have, even at least for a brief moment by story and more or less by spirit. And while this "musical tribute" is "borrowed", it's still a fitting one for a dynamic duo whose time to shine had finally come and they needed to bring it, indeed, back home.

Five years ago: Islands and Continents
Six years ago: Passing the Guard
Seven years ago: Two Pokémon Pillows

Monday, January 22, 2024

A Journey's Anthem

How can I leave her?
Where would I start?
Let man's petty nations
Tear themselves apart
My land's only borders
Lie around my heart
-- "Anthem", from Chess (originally sung by Tommy Körberg)

Continuing the "finale coverage", a good part of my Pokémon experiences are also defined by music - both related and unrelated to Pokémon itself - as a good deal of posts on this blog can attest. For that, I've prepared a set of "musical tributes", something I mentioned while talking with Ash and Goh, by way of my personal experiences to this "finale"; they don't necessarily involve Pokémon, but they have similar spirits. The first of these tributes involves an invocation of a concept album that then became a musical, which I've also mentioned on some other posts.

This song represents the sentiments of the primary protagonist of the story, as a form of a "love letter" to the protagonist's homeland in the face of the struggles being faced at the point that the song comes up. In the adaptations (yes, there are a few versions) of the musical, the song may also be reprised or repeated at the end with possibly slightly different lyrics to capture additional sentiments after all that has happened before. It becomes evident why I've invoked this song for this situation.

While it's hard to mesh the song - especially with its lyrical content - as it is with Pokémon and specifically this "finale" circumstance, it could be considered that every Pokémon Trainer will love the land they tread on to make their journey, and there may be no limits to where that will take them. For this reason, I titled this post the way that it is, to allude to that aspect, one that has defined the anime for its last salvo with Ash.

As a matter of fact, I can think of a modification to the quoted portion of the lyrics above, which happens to be the final part of the song. It would concern the situation when the parting of Ash and Goh occurred, and could capture their sentiments at that point:

Goh: How can I leave you?
What would I do?
Ash: No one can separate us 
Though we're far apart
Our journeys go on
Way beyond our hearts

I'm certain that Ash and Goh would agree on this matter. While a Pokémon journey may not be in need of an anthem, the epic qualities of the anime up to the certain "finale" might suggest that something could qualify for that - possibly even a version of the song above. It would be as defining as my other musical experiences with Pokémon.

Four years ago: On the "Invisible Forces"
Five years ago: Fan Art... for Me!

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Waiting to Break into Pokémon Spinoff Games

Over many of the previous years, and especially the years I've had this blog, I've had the opportunity to break into some Pokémon spinoff games for the purpose of enjoyment as well as being able to write about them here on this blog. Yet there are also plenty of them that I've yet to be able to break into for various reasons, though I would like to do so for the above points. As another "interruption" to the currently ongoing "finale coverage", I'd like to mention a few of those games as well as the reasons for not having done so.

It seems prudent to begin with those reasons, since some of them are shared for the Pokémon games I'm about to mention. Perhaps the main reason is that I'm already involved in several businesses in current games that have not only become regular but also demanding, and thus making time for even other Pokémon games becomes challenging. Then there are things like the "interruption" from yesterday that are just as necessary to sustain my dealings in Pokémon as my life in general. As for other reasons, they depend on the specific games.

One of those games is Pokémon Quest, a relatively recent spinoff game. I already have it installed on my Nintendo Switch, but I've yet to open it. It was installed at about the same time as Café Remix... and it seems evident which one I tackled and become engrossed in first. Based on what I've seen of the game, it may seem just as engrossing as the other game, aside from the reasons above, which becomes another reason I haven't touched it. Still, its presence on my Switch means that I'll have to get to it sooner or later.

Then there is the niche yet popular Pokémon Masters EX that just seems to go on and on. I installed it briefly on my old phone and got through the introduction, but quickly realized that it's almost as massive as Pokémon Go or Unite, though not necessarily what I want or need to have on the go, at least not yet. For that reason, I've yet to install it again even on my current phone. It is still a game that I wish to get through to a larger capacity (and of course write about), particularly due to certain additions, so I may have to deal with it somehow.

In the realm of the Nintendo Switch, there are recent spinoff games as well, like the new Mystery Dungeon and Detective Pikachu games. As with most games on the console, including recent main series games, the primary barrier to these have to be their cost. Especially in my case, I would need to justify them, again with the reasons above. For the two games as mentioned, there is also the issue of replay value due to them being "remakes". It seems apparent that these games have complex issues to solve before I can get to them.

The variety of Pokémon spinoff games may be considered to have become astounding in recent times, and that's something to be praised as much as wondered. "Wondering" may also describe my current sentiments about them, especially for the possibility of breaking into them, playing, and outputting good results, including as posts on this blog for specific topics regarding them. Ultimately, it's still about enjoying Pokémon (spinoff) games to the fullest extent, and that full extent may just take certain efforts to be realized.

Four years ago: Getting Too Technical
Seven years ago: Dreams of Itasha

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Pokémon Go Community Day Classic, 1/20/2024

The next interruption to my "finale coverage" comes in the form of Community Day for Pokémon Go, a Classic edition this time. As a matter of fact, this entire edition could be considered as an "interruption" in a general sense and in my personal sense - but I'll get to the latter soon enough. The former, though, could be considered a bit abstract and is primarily due to what this edition involves, and that is as always what this post is designed for, along with how I went through the event.

Without further ado, the featured Pokémon of this Classic edition is... Porygon. Last featured in September 2020 as a vote-in winner, this veritable Pokémon returns for a Classic "rerun". Now, some other Pokémon might be more deserving of these Classic "reruns" than others, and this one might be on the lower end of that list. Yet this is the one Trainers get this time around, so for them, this might be either a break or a catch-up. That too also depends on the elements that are present for the edition.

And those elements are Tri Attack as the Charged move for Porygon-Z after evolving it all the way to that species, bonuses of triple XP with extended Lure Modules and Incense as well as photo bombs, extra paid Special Research as "Porygon Community Day Classic", Timed Research awarding the necessary evolution items (Upgrades and Sinnoh Stones), Field Research and showcases, and web shop and in-game shop deals and bundles. Overall, it's a bare-bones repeat of the previous edition.

Meanwhile, the personal "interruption" came as I was dealing with something that is somewhat important for my future, and that kept me from catching too many Porygon, although I did catch what could appear while still dealing with the "interruption". After that, I was able to join some my usual friends for the last hour of the event. I also didn't evolve too many as I had evolved what I needed previously. I also caught quite a few Shiny Porygon, perhaps more than what I would have liked.

It seems a wild choice to have the Virtual Pokémon twice over for Community Day purposes, although the first choice was made by Trainers back then, and the second today was perhaps made to "break up" or "interrupt" the flow of good Community Day fodder. Still, that "interruption" seems to be good as a respite for certain Trainers, and today's edition (re)delivered the best of what happened back then. After this point, it seems worth it to continue with the best of what Community Day will offer next.

Seven years ago: All in the Cards

Friday, January 19, 2024

The Meaning of "Pokémon Master"

As Ash and I had discussed, Ash had some thoughts about what it is that makes up his goal of wanting to be a Pokémon Master in the final moments of his anime appearance. It's a goal that is familiar for all fans of Pokémon, and it may be considered to be a goal that's broad in scope and meaning depending on the person. Because of this, and as part of the "finale" coverage for the anime, I thought I'd include this discussion for the benefit of every Pokémon fan, including me, to determine our individual goals to become a Pokémon Master.

Now, Ash's goal of becoming a Pokémon Master is rather simple, especially after having thought about it (spoiler alert for those who have not seen the relevant episode). It is to become friends with Pokémon everywhere. I personally consider this goal to be noble and universal besides being simple, especially in contrast to his major achievement just before this point. In fact, Ash gave the implication that the achievement is more a "byproduct" of the goal rather than the goal itself, which is yet to be achieved. In a way, Ash realizes the simplest things matter the most, and this is perhaps the simplest (but no simpler) form of the goal.

That then leads to my goal for the same objective. It may be considered similar to Ash's goal in the simplicity of its scope and meaning, but a little more expansive. I want to create good relationships with as many Pokémon fans as possible, who would be the "proxy" to the Pokémon species they are so intimately connected with - and by my experience, their species connections are as diverse as the fans themselves are diverse. I want to take advantage of this fact and connect with them and their Pokémon (that they like) in much the same ways that Ash would with other Pokémon.

For others, their Pokémon Master goals indeed might be very different based on what they like about Pokémon - a fact I know very well, since what they like about Pokémon might not be as expansive as yet other people or even me. Considering this fact, I would say that they have to determine what they like about Pokémon and why and how that came to be, and that would factor into their own goal as a Pokémon Master. It's the same way as it is for people in the world of Pokémon; they all don't have necessarily the same interests, and their goals would be different as a result.

It's been more than a quarter century since Pokémon and even its anime first appeared, and I'm sure that the goal of becoming a Pokémon Master has been on the minds of fans since that time, but they haven't necessarily thought about it that much. Now that Ash has parted ways with the anime (and stated his own Pokémon Master goal), fans can now also have the opportunity to think about their own goal for that and how that might be achieved, if that hasn't already occurred. They'll surely press on for that, just like Ash surely will.

Five years ago: Peace
Six years ago: Suspending My Disbelief
Seven years ago: Ash, Satoshi, or... Ali?

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Memories of Kanto

I mentioned in my "Memories of Sinnoh" post that the post in the same series for Kanto is missing, and that it would come at an appropriate time. All the species of Kanto are already present in Pokémon Go a long time ago when Mew manifested for the first time through Special Research, so it couldn't be for this fact. Instead, now it has become apparent that the Pokémon anime parted with Ash, which is significant as far as any fan of Pokémon is concerned, including yours truly. Therefore, the time is now as appropriate as any time one could have, and now I see the need to make this post and fill in its missing piece.

Kanto is, of course, the region of the first generation games, and it was also through those games that I got to know Pokémon. I got over the early days of struggling with the Blue version, and that paved the way for enjoyment of Pokémon thereafter. That also meant enjoying the alternate Yellow version as well as the remade Fire Red version that came relatively not too long after each other. As for the Let's Go remake that came much later, the one I chose was the Pikachu version as I had documented earlier... although any further documentation of this will need to wait until I can get back to this game and cement its memories as I had done for all the other games above.

Meanwhile, it is obvious that Ash hails from Kanto, and thus it is his "homeland". I too got to know the Pokémon anime from this early point, and it has obviously been a fascination ever since. Its opening songs - both English and Japanese - are iconic and by now familiar, its characters established tropes that are still present even up to the last moments of Ash's appearance, and its definitively related feature film (movie) is so distinctive that it has been remade in 3D and is as memorable then as it is now. Many of these form the backbones of my past and present Pokémon activities (including band performances and cosplay), which remain as memorable as ever thanks to their associations to elements from this region.

Now, the series of "Memories of" posts is complete from the first region to the most recent  and relatively completed region in Pokémon Go. Even so, this moment came perhaps in a slightly unexpected manner due to the parting of Ash from the anime. What is expected, however, is that memories have been made and will continue to be made as the rest of the regions from the main series that become featured in Pokémon Go complete their rosters and I deal with the anime and the elements I take from them and incorporate into my dealings with Pokémon - certainly from this beginning region and ever onwards.

One year ago: 1000 Species Is Real!!
Two years ago: My Pokémon Identity
Three years ago: Pokémon Body Pillows
Five years ago: Rivalries

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Starting (Anew on) a New Day

We - or to be more precise, I - interrupt my coverage of a certain "end" for something a little more festive: my birthday, as previous year's posts (see below) indicate. As a bit of a "counterpoint" to the "concluding" aspect of the other matter, I've decided to discuss the opposite kind of aspect instead, as "starting". It's not technically too far off either, as every birthday is the start of another year of existence, in this case mine. Of course, I'd like to couple the discussion with another aspect as well as Pokémon as the core aspect of this blog.

That aspect, as indicated by the title, relates to that of a new day... and possibly new ways. As each day starts, there is the opportunity to do things in the ways that they're usually done, or even in different and novel ways. Some things benefit from the same and routine ways, but others could also benefit from other ways that contrast to that. For any person, it would be a matter of choosing between these approaches as necessary or demanded to achieve the best or desired results. And that would go for Pokémon as well.

For example, I could go through Raid Hour - today is a Wednesday after all - as usual, but it could be worthwhile to take an unusual approach that could serve me well for a later edition or even its expanded Raid Day. Or, it could be one or more events in Café Remix that I could satisfyingly complete with only the Pokémon I have, using them in the most creative of ways to achieve the objectives at hand. And then there are other unusual things I could do in other Pokémon games, and they'd complement all the usual or routine things to do.

As for today, I had been intending to keep it personal, at least in the daytime, and be more outgoing at night. That didn't happen, and I ended up going out in the daytime for a "new" kind of celebration by going out, while keeping the night more personal - but still with a little bit of Pokémon elements. It was truly "starting anew" compared to my original plan, and in this case, it did kind of work out as I started my own "new year". This might be something I'd need to expect for other Pokémon happenings throughout the year, even tangentially.

Out of many things I've encountered in my life, Pokémon is one of the most (if not the most) influential things, whether I'm starting regular days or even special days like this one. There's always that chance that new perspectives might come up, in particular with Pokémon things, and that may be something to be taken up on any day. It may or may not mean "starting anew", but it is certain that I (and certainly others) have to start from somewhere. So as my existence starts a new year, I can also think of new starts with Pokémon.

It's a new day, and there might be some new ways out there. Happy birthday to me, and let's see what the new starts and new days ahead may bring.

One year ago: A Legendary Existence
Two years ago: Unique Touches
Three years ago: Wishes for Good Days
Four years ago: Always Together
Five years ago: Wonderful Opportunities
Seven years ago: A Pokémon Party?

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Let's Talk About Endings and Beginnings

Me: Well, I guess you know that I know by now.

Ash, Goh: Oh.

Goh: And that's why we're in discussion today.

Ash: Let's just say what we need to say.

Pikachu: Pika pika chu. ["I'm with you."]

Goh: Well, I wanted to go on a journey so I can broaden my horizons, see different things.

Ash: I understand. I mean, that's what happened for me back then - and that still happens now.

Goh: So it's OK now that we're on different paths.

Ash: Absolutely. You do you.

Me: At least, Goh, you were able to find Mew again. I wanted to see more of you, to be honest, and of how you make sense of the world.

Goh: As long as I'm here, I'll keep on finding out more about other Pokémon, and then I'll find out more about Mew!

Me: Sounds good to me. And then there's Ash with his big win.

Ash: That's me!

Me: I know after that you had some thoughts about what it is that would make you a Pokémon Master, and I have some too - but I'll talk about it by myself.

Ash: Sure! Can't wait to hear about yours.

Me: If only I could still be there when that happens.

Ash: You'll be there too. I'll make sure it happens.

Pikachu: Pika chu! ["Certainly!"]

Me: Of course, we can't forget about our fluffy yellow pal here. It's hard to believe how far you've come from where you were, and now with Ash.

Pikachu: Pi... pika... ["I'm... touched..."]

Me: You two have a bond that few people can only dream of.

Ash: But so do you with Pokémon! You've been with it for pretty much as long as you've seen me.

Goh: Both of you are impressive, if you put it that way.

Ash: Some people even call us legends!

Me: That's true! (See below for what I mean. Nice coincidence, that.)

Goh: Oh my! I guess it's true.

Me: Getting back to our discussion, now it's time to deal with some "ending" matters. I know I may never hear more from either of you at this point, but I'll always deal with Pokémon, just like you, wherever you may be.

Goh: That's the spirit! There's always something new for us.

Ash: Yeah! I'm sure there is.

Me: As I've said, the end is only when you're not on the path.

Ash: And if you need us to talk about stuff, we'll always be here.

Goh: And when our friend sends Ash somewhere-

Pikachu: Pika! ["And me!"]

Goh: Of course, and Pikachu too.

Me: You'll always be here, no doubt. And I've got something else to say about endings and beginnings - it goes like this:
Endings and beginnings are one and the same; the future remains unwritten.
Goh: That's deep, but it makes sense. We might never end - we might just always begin.

Ash: Who knows? Something could start right now!

Pikachu: Pi pika? ["You think?"]

Ash: Yeah!

Pikachu: Pika chu! ["OK!"]

Me: One thing's for sure: I can't stop liking Pokémon. It's like, why should I even try?

Ash: We're always here, by your side.

Me: I never wanted to say goodbye...

Goh: In a way, neither did I.

Me: Well, we're always here, even if the world keeps changing its mind about us.

Ash, Goh: Of course!

Me: You know, that last bit sounded musical - and I'll have a few thoughts like that soon. For now, we can end here... and we'll begin again sometime.

One year ago: I'm a Legend!
Four years ago: Only Women Like You
Five years ago: Pokémon Conversations
Seven years ago: My Pokémon Anime Epoch

Monday, January 15, 2024

The Ultimate Journey: A Journey's End

It is done.
After a long time and several "teaser" posts, I am now in the position where I am able (and need) to make this post. Throughout the series that is called "Journeys" in English or what I personally call the "World saga", fans were undoubtedly served up many of those journeys, even ones tagged as "Master" and "Ultimate". The most "ultimate" of these journeys, though, besides a rather glorious victory, is also the "completion" or "culmination" of one: this becomes the final appearance of Ash in the regular animated series (anime) after more or less a quarter century of near-constant appearance.

Prior to the parting of Ash, a parting with Goh was organized; it was then followed by what I call the "finale arc", a series of episodes with a significant characterization of Ash after that glorious victory. The final regular episode is a sentimental one that could be considered a mid-journey characterization, especially since Ash appears with his Movie 20 outfit instead. For the benefit of those who hasn't seen these "ultimate" episodes, I won't go into much more detail about them and I highly recommend watching them - which I indeed have, the reason for this post's relevance.

It is important to note that one of the earlier episodes in the series had no sign of Ash in it, and only Goh was in it, which I consider significant. Then there are the episodes from the Chronicles sub-series, which also don't have Ash in them. With this, it is established that the anime can still proceed without Ash, and it inevitably has to... only this time it's for real, and moreover, it has happened - more details by me to come eventually. Yet it may remain a circumstance that is strange for longtime fans like me, especially in having to come to terms with that circumstance as it happens presently. 

One concession that could be noted is that while the appearance of Ash ends at this point, it is stated (in two episodes) that by story and by spirit, the journey of Ash still continues - even if the implication is that we may never hear of new ones anymore. In fact, it is this viewpoint that Rica Matsumoto - Ash's Japanese voice talent - adopts and espouses, and those who came to last year's Indonesia Comic Con (and perhaps some other places she visited in that year) will have personally heard that from her. So, one could make the case that the journey only ends only if one chooses to withdraw from it.

Now, in any case, an end has been reached, like the quote above from a certain other thing I also enjoy. Meanwhile, I still have much more to say about this and other things pertinent to it, so over the next two weeks, albeit with some interruptions for other Pokémon and personal necessities, I have a series of posts on the ready that touch on both the subjectivity and objectivity of this happening. Regardless, some "ultimate" things have been achieved on this journey, and this parting can only represent the most ultimate of the "ultimates". Ultimately, its time has come, even for me as a fan.

Three years ago: I Need Good Energy
Five years ago: Keeping Up with VGC
Six years ago: Here Comes an Ex-Raid

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Laughing with Pokémon (Species)

Some years ago, I wrote a post on a few humorous Pokémon matters that I thought would also help my situation back then in desiring a laugh. Now, while I'm not terribly in need of a laugh like that time, it seems useful to think up of several Pokémon species that can either bring laughter or allow for laughing together. It is at least a little bit of fun that can be taken.

For a ghostly good laugh, it's hard to beat Gengar, although Haunter (its evolutionary predecessor) and Banette aren't far behind. All three of these Pokémon have a unique countenance that one can't help laughing with - and in a way, perhaps they themselves cannot help laughing either, as has been demonstrated a few times. Considering their jokester penchant, it's not hard for them or people to laugh in each other's presence.

It is known that some monkeys have a funny way about them, and the Aipom family is no different. The smirk on the identifying family member makes it appear capable of bursting into laughter at any time, and this is also true for its evolution, Ambipom, though perhaps to a lesser extent. The palm-shaped ends of their tails might also become a source of amusement with what they may do with them, adding to their package.

Meanwhile, a more indirect source of laughter could be construed to come from Darmanitan as well as its predecessor Darumaka, mostly of the original ones from Unova. While having the same energies as the Aipom family as above, they're also chubby and lucky-styled, and that at least in some respects may be deserving to beget some laughter. Coupled with their high fire energy, they make for a unique kind of laugh.

Of course, it is possible to be laughing and to laugh with Pokémon species in many other different ways. But the way that these may have their own ways of inciting that laughter makes them at least personally notable for that very reason. That may just be something I need right now, whether I know or do not know that I need it - yet with all my dealings, I know Pokémon is still essential.

Three years ago: "Post-Shuffle" Activity
Four years ago: Fusion without Confusion
Five years ago: Pokémon Theme Park Ideas
Six years ago: Playing the Meta Game

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Cosplay: MCP Creative Festival

Me: And things go on.

Goh: Keeping things going, huh?

Me: Yeah. But actually, I also didn't want things to go on today.

Ash: Hey, that's not very usual of you! You must have a story for this one.

Pikachu: Pika chu pika! ["Do tell us!"]

Me: I do have that story. So, around the turn of last month, something apparently brewed in a festival I didn't send (and couldn't have sent) Ash to. It was regrettable, especially for the person in the middle of it, who I know well.

Goh: My guess is that the person is (was) present here as well.

Me: That's the gist of it, and I wasn't going to send Ash here myself. But then a friend offered to bring Ash here... and here you are.

Ash: Oh! It's in the same place as the MCP contest from last year. And I also have my Unova outfit too just like back then.

Goh: I guess that makes sense, since they both have "MCP" in their titles.

Me: And yes, the Unova outfit just happened to be the only thing I can get you to wear right now.

Ash: That's fine. So we'll just entertain people today, no problem.

Me: I don't expect you to be in the character parade, but...

Ash: The people put me into it just for fun.

Me: Oh. Well then, that should be exactly the point. Don't expect miracles, though.

Goh: Well, you know, I think I need to help you out with this discussion, so I got ahold of the schedule. And... there's a lot of little performances and games - is this by Bocchi Noizu?

Ash: Yeah, I think they helped to hold it. They had their famous wheel game too.

Goh: Maybe it isn't too bad. They tend to do their own thing, based on what we've seen.

Me: That's true - they are rather independent, with or without the person. So Ash could do the same.

Ash: I got a few pictures taken by some people. I even spent time with one of them.

Pikachu: Pi pika. ["Good stuff."]

Me: That's a nice way to fill time.

Goh: I'd agree. And I guess the performances were the same old, same old.

Ash: More or less - without me...

Goh: I guess you wanted to be up there.

Me: There'll be a better time for Ash. For now we lay low.

Goh: Well... I suppose we now can't really be talking much about the character parade.

Ash: I just did what I could do - maybe it's also a good practice for when another comes by. And that's all I can say.

Me: Yeah, no need to say more. But we need to say just a few more things before we close.

Ash: I think everything went well! It was really organized.

Pikachu: Pika chu. ["Very true."]

Goh: It's too bad we - mainly you two - had reservations about it.

Me: In another life, this could have been ours for the taking. But it is what it is.

Ash: Let's try again in another place!

Me: Of course, when we find one.

Goh: I hope that goes well for you two.

Me: For now, life goes on.

Two years ago: Goh's Workstation Setup
Three years ago: The Rain and Pokémon
Six years ago: My Pokémon Show
Seven years ago: Pokémon and Cosplay

Friday, January 12, 2024

#25 Makes a +62 Journey

The entity mentioned as #25 in the title of this post should be quite familiar to fans of Pokémon, no matter who or where they are. Meanwhile, the entity mentioned as +62 in the title of this post is representative of a group of people who live on islands straddling the equator. Based on this, the entities in question are Pikachu (by the National Dex number) and Indonesia (by its country code for phone numbers). Taken together, the title illustrates that the former is going to make a journey in the latter... and that is in fact going to be the case.

In a new regional event that is hot on the heels of the one from about a year ago, this one, which is officially called "Pikachu's Indonesia Journey", takes a more nationalist focus compared to the regional(ly implied) one of last time. It's also supported by the Ministry of Tourism and backed by the nation's flag carrier (Garuda Indonesia), with its own "Pikachu Jet" in tow; it is thus also an output of Pokémon Air Adventures for similar initiatives in other countries. And being Pokémon, its games are and have to be involved in some way, shape, and form to appease its fans.  

As for the first stop for this national event, that would be in Denpasar, Bali, with the country's first-ever paid-ticket Pokémon Go event, just called an "in Bali" subset of the national event. It's set for March 2 and 3, to take place in a park in the heart of the capital of the Island of Paradise. Tickets are already being sold right now, and it looks set to be a hot one - never mind the possible weather - for a good deal of Trainers in Pokémon Go who are already showing a good deal of interest. And while it's not a "Safari Zone" proper, its elements ought to be rather similar to one and could be regarded as such.

Meanwhile, with AKG Games in the mix, the local TCG is sure to get a piece of the pie. Bali as with Pokémon Go is surely a target for this purpose, in addition to the nation's capital, Jakarta. Beyond this skeleton, plans may still look a little blurry as of yet... but that may be also because the event itself had only been divulged the other day through a press conference, after which the tickets for the Pokémon Go event above began to be available for purchase. In any case, things are still early as of yet for Pokémon fans, but the ball - maybe a Poké Ball - has really started to roll.

Numbers often tell the tale for both of the entities mentioned in the title, but it seems that what is more important than mere numbers is the experience gained from the tales of both. So it is that the famed Electric Mouse Pokémon undertakes a journey rooted in an equatorial paradise and will tell of its famed splendor combined with some monster fantasy. Fans in any place, especially where the journey takes place, ought to appreciate the gesture and should be due of pleasantries that result from the joined force of the two entities.

Five years ago: These Sides of Paradise

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Adapting More of Ash's Outfits?

Observant readers (and visitors to a previous convention) will notice that I did something out of the ordinary at that time: not only did I (effectively) bring more than one costume set - a fact that was repeated last week and thus may deserve its own discussion - I also cosplayed as (that is, "sent") Ash in one of his less typical outfits, being his "formal" outfit. That becomes a prompt for another discussion, which becomes the current one: would I adapt more of Ash's other outfits for this purpose? The answer to this question is intriguing to be explored.

For starters, it should be noted that I've already done so in the past with the Lucario Prince costume, which I haven't brought out in ages due to reasons - but I intend to do so once the timing is right and I've made the improvements I need to make to it. The point is that I'm not shy about doing this; it's just that it doesn't happen very often, given my focus on his primary outfits. Now, though, there may be a greater reason to go back on some of these "other" outfits and make them reality - yet those primary outfits will still be... (ahem) my primary focus.

Almost any of Ash's other outfits is fair game for me, except some of the ones that could be considered "controversial", which I won't even touch or address for this purpose. And there are some nifty "hidden gems" among these other outfits, some of them being perfect cosplay fodder. What's more, they appear officially in the anime or art that pertains to it, so that's something going for them; this, however, could spark a bit of a debate regarding "canonicity" - and in fact, did, when I talked to a really good friend - but the matter could be sidestepped.

Looking back at what I've accomplished in all my years of cosplay, being able to deal with Ash's primary outfits has been the thing that brings me the most joy - and hopefully to others as well. But to be able to deal with any of his other outfits, certainly adapted for my cosplay purposes, would also give me great joy and at least some for others as well. And it is now something I have to look into and consider with some seriousness for my continued dealings with Ash - hopefully, it would be something that many fellow Pokémon fans would support.

Four years ago: Faults in Some Stars

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

In Pursuit of Unite Licenses

Some couple of years ago, I wrote a post designed around an observation of one of my friend's play style in Pokémon Unite and specifically dealing with an ideal number of Pokémon (more specifically, their Unite License) for specific roles. Over the years, I've found out that there are other play styles also specifically pertaining to how others procure or pursue Unite Licenses. Therefore, I thought I'd revisit that play style of my friend while exploring other play styles that I've observed.

That friend of mine, as discussed, has a "specialist" play style, where one tends to collect Unite Licenses of one role and not much else beyond that. That friend also deals (or by now, dealt) with the Speedster role; a Defender or Supporter specialist could also be possible, and may in fact be high in demand among teams at present. Given that Draft Pick is now present in competitive Pokémon Unite and allows the possibility of certain Pokémon being banned, a specialist has a definite advantage by just selecting a different Pokémon of that role to sidestep the ban.

I have what might be termed as an "opportunist" play style. I obtain Unite Licenses for free if possible, then I spend Aeos Coins when necessary, as Aeos Gem purchases are still not of my primary interest. This does admittedly lead to a good variety of Pokémon, but also takes a bit of time. Still, my interest in Pokémon Unite is not as much as other present games, so this play style serves me well.

Of course, like in other areas of Pokémon. there are collectors here, and they have the "collector" play style. They're not shy about obtaining Unite Licenses, and they'll obtain them by any means possible, even by paying for Gems. They may also have a secondary objective: they want to test out the Pokémon immediately after their release and before any changes are applied based on plays by the greater player base. Regardless, it is the collection that seems to matter first.

My friend has since then abandoned Pokémon Unite for other purposes, but the memory of my friend collecting Speedsters still sticks out. Especially now, it makes for perfect consideration that some players do obtain Unite Licenses for various Pokémon in different ways and diverse objectives as well. But that also speaks out for all their different approaches and behaviors as well when they play in the game, for which the ultimate determinant is how that works with a team.

Seven years ago: Where It All Started

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

The Outdoor Tea Party in Café Remix

If anything, Café Remix isn't shy about implementing innovations for event mechanisms - and it has to now, moreover that main orders are coming or have come to an end. The latest mechanism is one that brings some of the festivities outside the café and allows for some freeform methods of completion. It's no surprise, then, that the newest event mechanism is called the Outdoor Tea Party, which might be considered to sound as light as it is festive.

This mechanism also utilizes the Slow Cooking format (at least for now - more on this shortly) to achieve its objectives. Once a playthrough is completed, the player is asked to serve the results to a Pokémon at the party; the play score is then converted to "delicious points" at a rate of 1 point per 100 thousand - rounded down. Doing so increases the gauge level of the Pokémon and allows nifty items to be earned. Sometimes a Pokémon might appreciate the serving very much, which doubles the points for that particular serving and further increases their gauge level.

Some Pokémon will notably need fewer points and be quicker to progress than others, but that may also depend on the items that may be wanted or needed to be obtained first. Certain Pokémon may also require certain conditions for other Pokémon to be fulfilled first, specifically requiring them to be of certain gauge levels. When all is said and done, however, once all Pokémon have had their gauge levels raised to the maximum, the main part of the event ends, although one can still try to increase the play score for individual ranking up until the cutoff for the event.

Now, although the current iteration does use the Slow Cooking format as mentioned, there might be the possibility of further iterations using the One-Minute Cooking format instead, particularly if it runs concurrently with another event of the other format (as it does now, in fact). Some adjustments may have to be made - in particular, the point conversion rate, or perhaps even the available Pokémon and their gauge levels - to accommodate this potential shift, but otherwise, the event mechanism might still remain open for it as other events run alongside it.

Although the current iteration of the event mechanism is effectively the first iteration, the event mechanism definitely sees some promise with future iterations. The pace appears quite manageable, the rewards are sufficiently engaging, and the mechanism makes a good extension out of existing formats. It may be safe to say that with this innovation in event mechanisms, the festivities may just continue out of the box... or the café.

Five years ago: Pokémon Ceramics
Six years ago: Hitching a Raid Ride
Seven years ago: A Tale of Two Shirts