Thursday, January 26, 2023

How Many Main Orders to Complete?

The question that I pose in the title of this post might seem relevant to some people and moot for others. It has the term "Main Order", so it definitely refers to Café Remix. At present, there are just over 1800 of these, the most recent ones having been added a couple of days ago after a lull in additions for some time. It's a big number, especially for those who have started playing more recently, although that's practically true for anyone, even me who started around half a year ago. Such a big number then prompts the above question, for which the answer might be or not be so clear-cut.

For "completionists", there is of course one and only one answer: all of them should be completed, especially new ones as they come. This is especially true if one has applied to join or has joined a team with main order completion requirements, which over time can be expected to be updated. Yet with the way that Café Remix works, this might lead to some missed opportunities (primarily encounters with Shiny Pokémon customers), at least if they weren't missed in the first place due to how rare they appear as I've explained previously. One effectively might pay the price for achieving completion in this way.

If the above "completionist" matter is not a concern, then it should be fine to leave a number of main orders uncompleted in case things occur. How many? Currently, I'm approximately 200 main orders behind the present total as above, and I've only encountered one Shiny Pokémon around two months ago, which has yet to return. It may be that this number is a bit much, so I would say to err on the cautious side, around 100 main orders may be left uncompleted in case things happen. This would mean I'm also behind even with this suggestion, so it may be time for me to complete some more main orders.

What makes this relevant or moot, certainly, is whether or not one has already completed all existing main orders by the "completionist" matter as above. A number of uncompleted main orders may just become relevant for those who haven't gotten to the "point of no return", while all of them being completed makes the issue a moot point, at least until new main orders come and one isn't too hasty or forced to complete them. Either way, the uncompleted main orders could become useful diversions until they are needed to be completed somehow and the true answer to the main question I posed becomes evident.

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