Tuesday, January 31, 2023

The State of Nominations, Part 20

It is perhaps unexpected that my series of posts covering my PokéStop nominations for Pokémon Go via Niantic Wayfarer has reached 20 installments, but it has, even with the updating being sparse on the order of months. As a result, happenings tend to be sparse as well, though this is more of the consequence of some things taking time to be realized. But when they do, they can turn out to be fascinating, as is the case of the happenings since my last report on them

The number of In Queue and In Voting nominations as indicated on Wayfarer didn't change from last time (18 and 12 respectively), even though since then I've made a few more nominations. What is significant is that I've had 3 more nominations accepted to total 75, while 2 others were not accepted, totaling 66; duplicate nominations remain at 11, which should remain a good thing. The most fascinating happening is that two appealed nominations were decided and thus left the status and I've been able to appeal one more rejected nomination, making the total 3. This is not necessarily good, however.

What happened was the appealed nominations became not accepted, having gone through a second round of voting. It's a shame, but it seems they were just not meant to be, at least not right now if past nominations are anything to go by. In any case, I've decided to ignore them as if they have been renominated manually. The only saving grace may be those 3 accepted nominations, one of which was made at a very remote area when I passed through the area and became one of my fastest accepted nominations, within just two days. This is an amazing happening to be sure, but so would be an appeal that leads to an acceptance.

Meanwhile, by my counts, my active nominations have increased to 30 with 2 new ones, and 2 renominations are still ongoing. The number of rejected nominations is now 32 due to the rejected appeals as above, and the number of superseded nominations did not change. Based on previous observations, it may be safe to say that the number of approved (accepted) and appealed nominations will be in line with the counts from Wayfarer above, and therefore from this point on it may be sufficient to report only on my counts that are made differently from Wayfarer, and that ought to simplify things a bit.

After 20 installments, one thing I can conclude from how my nominations have proceeded thus far is that my work is not done, even if in my immediate local area, it may seemingly appear as such. I still have to be wary of places that I can nominate into a PokéStop with potential improvement to that area should Trainers stumble upon the area, and after making the nominations, to oversee the process as it progresses on Niantic Wayfarer. At least that much is what I can expect.

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