Tuesday, January 10, 2023

The Present Trouble with Silph Arena

By now, most Trainers in Pokémon Go should have already heard of, or be familiar with, the Silph Arena. It is the community organizer for Pokémon Go tournaments and had served a primary role until Go Battle League paved the way for official World Championships to take place in conjunction with other Pokémon games. Such a state also seems to be part of the problem ("trouble") that Silph Arena may be considered to have presently in several different aspects, and it seems important to discuss and delineate them to understand what's going on with the Arena and beyond.

It may be considered that Silph Arena is a state of "struggling to maintain relevance" in light of the above situation. Go Battle League is in-game, official, and convenient, making it extremely relevant, while Silph Arena is external, community, and perhaps in some respects not as convenient and thus not as relevant; this actually encapsulates how I feel the first time before I signed up for the system, and in fact, I still haven't even updated most anything there - on the side of The Silph Road - since 2019. Therefore, it would be understandable that some Trainers have completely and entirely dropped Silph Arena in favor of Go Battle League. For it to maintain relevance, it has to innovate for PvP competitions; the newly developed Factions would then be a step in this regard, and it seems to be gaining popularity as it is relevant in its own way rather than being pitted against the relevance of Go Battle League. There is of course more to be (and that could be) done, but at least this is one step. This may also be why the new season took longer to start (as hinted by an earlier post that also becomes the crux for this one); it may have had to take time to restructure, given the relevance issue.

Speaking of Factions, even it may have a problem of its own with respect to Silph Arena. The trouble is that the knowledge of and interest in Factions may not be apparent or present, whether to newcomers or veterans alike. I polled a very good friend (yes, I keep mentioning this very good friend as that friend is very much relevant in many Pokémon (Go) matters, including having been a previous "top" competitor on Silph Arena) on Factions, and the result was... my friend knew absolutely nothing until I mentioned it. Furthermore, even after my brief explanation and presentation of the detailed "About" page, my friend seemed to be rather disinterested, citing it as being "too complex" and "unsuited for Pokémon Go (PvP)". And this is just one person; other Trainers could potentially echo the same sentiments.

Meanwhile, the world of competitive Pokémon itself is in a bit of a flux, not just thanks to the inclusion of Pokémon Go officially, but also Pokémon Unite. My friend in fact further stated that the latter has a great deal of teamwork associated to it unlike what Factions demands, which may be true but also considered "disillusioned"; that friend, along with a few others, may also be considered to have switched over to Unite (almost) entirely. This is the situation that is faced not only by Silph Arena but also Pokémon Go as a whole, even if some Trainers (like me) do try to take care of both. Pokémon Go PvP will arguably still have its interested parties, but this too becomes a challenge to maintain, as it is for the Silph Arena.

The current situation for Silph Arena seems to be a challenging one (notwithstanding current conditions) in trying to keep up with the times and the perspectives of the people (Trainers) who are involved with PvP. Though Silph Arena may remain an attested name and something different that Trainers can stand to be involved in, especially now with the rising popularity of Factions, the trouble that it faces is rather multifaceted; any solutions will have to address all of those facets, particularly to keep the Arena familiar and usable among Trainers.

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