Monday, January 2, 2023

More Blog Overhauls?

Before getting on with the rest of the exciting - yes, I promise it's going to be exciting even this early on in the year - I want to address the ways of this Pokémon blog and what I can do to improve on them. More specifically, I want to discuss radical or close to radical changes that I'd like to make, which for this post I call "overhauls". It may be considered that there are many such overhauls to be made (one of which I discussed last year - see below - and only realized later on), but for the purpose of this post, I'd like to narrow it down to three important ones, or ones that I've recently discovered with the help of others.

One such overhaul is the addition of pages to the blog, which I can use as permanent places to present information about me as well as this blog. I've already gotten a few drafts of these going, but I'm struggling to complete them to the standard that I can consider them able to be published. To some extent, I'm also struggling with the content of what I actually want to include on them; while I realize I can and do ought to update pages after I published just like posts, it does seem that it should be as right as possible the first time I publish them. It may seem that I just have to bite the bullet and make them with the best content I can provide at that moment and then update them if needed over time.

Then, there is the issue of site management. Ever since I've set up the blog, I've only set it up so I can furnish content comfortably without minding (too much) about their workings from time to time. However, a very good friend, who also runs a website, knows how to make them great, and I've mentioned on this blog - that's for readers to search - has pointed out some flaws that I need to fix up and/or improve. Some of them are specifically on the main page as the first thing that readers see; all may seem fine for them, but they are making the site hard to deal with for indexers. I may need to spend an extended time with my friend and likewise my friend with me to deal with them and more.

My friend also mentioned the use of a custom domain for my blog. I've spun off this issue from the one above as it itself is quite significant. This issue is one I've never given much thought, as the current one is simple enough, yet it seems it's not assertive enough as it contains the content provider name. However, domain names these days are diverse and I stand to be able to obtain a unique one at a cheap rate, and that should work well and better for this blog. As for that domain name, it ought to be obvious what would be the main part of it, but likewise readers will have to figure this one out for themselves.

Prospects on making any or all of these overhauls, befitting their name, may be a bit difficult but not impossible to do, and they all ought to improve my Pokémon blogging experience as well as help readers to be able to regard what I've done over six years and now into the seventh year of things. It has taken both my eyes and the eyes of others to discover them, and they would certainly be quite some radical changes to make. Though not a certainty, they could be exciting prospects for me to undertake, as exciting as the posts that are to come as this year progresses.

One year ago: Thoughts on More Categories
Three years ago: New Post Categories
Four years ago: Taking the Plunge
Five years ago: What's Next?
Six years ago: ...And a Hoppip New Year

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