Friday, January 27, 2023

Concept Maps for Pokémon Unite

Essential to any MOBA game are maps where the battles take place. This applies without exception to Pokémon Unite, which by now has a few of them (plus a few derivative maps) for varied circumstances and modes. Still, it may be that the game could use a few more new maps or map derivatives to accommodate certain Pokémon, suit certain themes, or just change up the situation in general. For that, I've decided to bring out a few concepts that I have for such maps, a few of them that I've thought up even well before this post.

The regular Remoat Stadium map features Zapdos as its key Legendary Pokémon (the "lord"), while the derivative Snow & Ice "winter" edition features Articuno instead. It's clear that the missing one of the trio is Moltres, who ought to have a map of its own. I've had the idea that Moltres could appear in a summer-themed derivative map of the above, which I would call "Blazing Fire". It would naturally have some Fire-type Pokémon, but it may have some Pokémon of the Water, Grass, and Ground types to reflect the appropriate season. Like the winter map, it would be seasonal and not a fodder for Ranked matches, but it would be useful as a "forced diversion" of sorts to have some fun.

After the three Legendary Birds of Kanto, the natural follow-up would be Mewtwo, who is also a fully deserving candidate of a map that features said Pokémon. Initially, I thought of a derivative concept I call "Remoat Stadium at Night" with the Pokémon and to have it at first only available to those of the Master rank, but this would seemingly be unfair due to its exclusion - even the game has thrown out the idea of new Unite Licenses only purchasable with Gems at first for that reason. Therefore, this good idea would still have to be executed in an inclusive manner, and why not for a special occasion like its anniversary; I would suggest that if and when Unite makes it to five years, it could have that map and be implemented for Standard and Ranked matches like Theia Sky Ruins is now. That would be a sight to see.

While there are already a few maps in rotation for Quick matches, it can't hurt to have another one, particularly one that can be played with teams of three. I would suggest a completely different theme that other maps don't already have - a forest theme comes to mind - and it could have a unique goal zone mechanic, like two goal zones on both sides that alternate in opening. The key (Legendary) Pokémon could be or would have to be something appropriate, perhaps Suicune or even Xerneas. This concept would be completely new and have to be developed even further, but with the "bones" that I've outlined, it might be the prompt for a future exciting gameplay dynamic.

It would be inevitable for new maps to become a part of any MOBA game, and Pokémon Unite has already proven that in its run. It has had new maps for various occasions, even for the Ranked matches of its second year. What's left to see is if it can bring even more new map concepts to fruition and fill in a few representative gaps by those concepts, as may be evident above. After that, it's only a matter of getting everyone to experience them, as with any MOBA that continues to have innovative strength.

One year ago: Road of 25th Anniversary: The Final Month
Three years ago: Spinning Like a Spinda
Four years ago: The Cards, Revisited
Five years ago: Changes
Six years ago: A Loss Is... A Loss?

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